Getting kicked in dungeons for low DPS

A liar coming to the forums to cause drama calling the community toxic. Oh the irony. I’m done with you. You’ve been exposed…

Liars are the worst…

Feel free to get in whatever last word you need to get it. I assume you’re that type that has to have the last word :slight_smile:

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All I am trying to do is bring up a negative experience and possible change and all you can do is scream liar liar liar without addressing the issue at all. 100 posts of you calling me a liar instead of proposing a solution or addressing the issue. You kno why you cant talk about it? Because you cant come up with a solution. All you can do is be vindictive and personally attack my integrity.

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Yep but since there’s no way to tell whether a kick is justified a small number of people will get an undeserved deserter debuff.

So yes over all it’s justifiable.

The very moment you introduced the word “gaslighting” – it tells me right there – rotating alt and I suspect I know who you are.

Premade 372 geared groups don’t care if you’re “fresh 85” or that you are 330 ilvl. Even if you do good DPS for your gear, like you said you did, they see you under 15k and will kick you to get a 7 minute dungeon instead of a 9 minute dungeon. I don’t know if there is an IQ deficiency issue in this thread, but that DOES happen. I literally did it in wrath so I don’t even know how you can deny it.

I just can’t fathom that some people lack the critical thinking skills to assume that EVERY vote kick is valid or reasonable, and that it isn’t abused at all.

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I literally just votekicked someone out on first boss for “low” 11k dps when mine was about the same.

Guess only way to initiate a real conversation if the problem gets bigger.

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No one is saying that. You’re failing reading comprehension.

People are saying that it doesn’t happen at a significant enough rate for this to be a problem.

I thought votekicks were capped at one per person, but I just votekicked “low” dps from first boss and then the tank when I didn’t like how he pulled two groups.

Guess only way to initiate change is contribute to the problem.

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Well, there ya go, you are a troll and you just confirmed it.


“An estimated 310,720 women and 2,790 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2024”

Breast cancer in men doesn’t happen at a significant enough rate for it to be a problem.

Nice try - But cancer and a 30 minute debuff for less than maybe .2% of troll kicks are two totally different things.

IF people were literally dying due to the debuff then sure. Problem. But it’s 30 minutes, and it’s SO RARE, it’s not an issue and having RDF is FAR better than not having it in terms of dungeon spamming.

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Doesn’t matter how rare it is, it is flawed and can be abused with no recourse. No matter how few men get breast cancer a year, it is still a very real and tragic ailment that requires attention and aid.

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I never thought I’d see a day where breast cancer – a disease that kills and destroys many lives – would be compared to being kicked from a dungeon.

Truly, are you willing to inject any logic or intellect whatsoever into this discussion?


Once again, comparing cancer to a lockout timer is being very disingenuous. The two things are not even close to the same.

Furthermore - The 30 minute lockout is FAR better than what was happening with tanks and healers holding runs hostage. Or tanks/healers selling dungeon Qs. (Two things that were ACTUALLY a problem)

Yes… because people die from it and it destroys lives. Does the dungeon deserter do the same?

This is nonsensical trolling at this point.

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“People are saying that it doesn’t happen at a significant enough rate for this to be a problem.”

The premise : An event that is rare or not likely, is not a problem.

People being kicked from dungeons is rare, thus it is not a problem.

Breast cancer in males is very rare. Thus, it is not a problem (according to the aforementioned premise)

Either: The premise is false, or breast cancer in men is not a problem. You don’t need to reply again, this is statement.

That may be the most flawed logic I’ve seen on the internet in a long LONG time. Congrats on that. You’re special.

We went over this yesterday. You flounder anytime you attempt to use anything you’ve learned in logic 101.

Hit the textbook and try again.

I accept your concession

Are you literally trying to compare a vote kick from a video game to cancer?
Is there something wrong w/you?

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