Getting kicked in dungeons for low DPS

A DPS Q is roughly 3-4 minutes. Are you SURE you play cata? I still want to see this lvl 85 pally of yours.

You love to call people liars and at the same time gaslight them. Okay lets say in your realm dps queue is 3-4 minutes. You would still have to admit tank and healer queues are shorter. By how much? It may depend on the time of day or the realm pop at the time. Scale this to a larger realm where dps outnumber tanks and healers by a significant factor. That time would also be increased by a significant factor. Deserter status to dps via votekick should be more lenient.

While this may be true, the issue at hand is it’s not happening (FOR NO REASON), as often as people claim it is.

I’m not saying it NEVER happens, I’m sure it has and does. But for it to be THE MAJORITY of somebodies runs is very sus.

I say this based on my own experience. Not only have I never been kicked from a 5 man on any of my lvl 85s. And on top of that I’ve never seen ANYBODY kicked for performance issues. It’s always toxic chat, afk, or leeching.

Now think about a player who does not have your experience or resources (so their dps is lower because of gear or their rotation is not as tight). Are they more deserving of a votekick and application of deserter status plus a longer queue?

I can’t say if he editied or not but he did say majority of his runs.

1/3 to 1/4 is not a majority of runs.
So the number is changing to suit the narrative.
Majority would = 85% or 90% or even 75%

But let’s say at 33% or 25% they are getting kicked, that is a large number to be signally targeted.

Is this story possible? yes.
Is this story probable? no.

We’ve established that 11k-14k dps is not low for heroics… It’s just not… Nobody is getting kicked for that.

So again… you’re either being dishonest about your DPS or SOMETHING else is going on in the MAJORITY OF YOUR RUNS. As you stated… you’re getting kicked.

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Exactly how is it any more consequential? Explain?

Where the amount of instances I am getting kicked out of is inaccurate or whether my dps is not low, the fact of the matter is not all votekicks are deserving of a deserter status and not all wait times are equal. They should be more lenient for dps. What are some possible solutions?

I still think it’s fishy he wont even prove that he has a cata toon lol.

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Nah nah nah don’t try and change the narrative now lol. You can either admit that you lied and we can move on OR simply prove me wrong and post on your pally so we know for a fact that you’re at LEAST not lying about that.

By you saying no votekicks are undeserved you are admitting people are infallible and do not make unreasonable decisions. The current votekick system needs to account for that and leave abuse.

When did I ever say no votekicks are undeserved? Please quote it for me. I’ll wait.

I will admit my sample size is small and by the time I amended my percentage, my sample size has grown to account for the drop is percentage.

Your sample size changed in 2 hours? Come on now kid…

Here are two people saying that.

1st - You’re taking what Robokappa said out of context. He said the DESERTER STATUS is reasonable for votekicks. Not every vote kick.

I too, agree with the DESERTER STATUS being reasonable, due to the abuse that can be had without it. But in my statement I never said that all votekicks are reasonable, I said that I’m calling you a liar, because NOBODY is getting kicked in the MAJORITY of their runs if they are doing 11-14k dps.

Right i consider 50% majority and ran a couple runs after that time.

Because you get deserter status for every votekick, you are transitively saying every votekick is reasonable. I am saying that is not true because dps queue times are longer and there needs to be a solution to account for griefing dps votekicks that are unreasonable and application of deserter status to dps.

Based on the abuse we have seen its mostly done by tanks and healers leaving hence the deserter status application no matter what right? Well I am saying there needs to be a change to be more lenient for dps.

No it’s saying that the deserter status is reasonable regardless of whether the vote kick was justified or not.

It was 1/3, then 1/4 and now 1/2?
Not saying this is not happening but you keep changing the story slightly as it progresses.

No you are gaslighting. My ret paladin is new so sample size is small, when I started out I was kicked out of 50% of my runs, I ran a few successful runs during that time which would reduce my percentage. I did not include the times i was votekicked for being afk while typing in this thread.

Right because you get deserter status from every votekicked. So, votekicking someone is the same as giving them deserter status. By saying all deserter statuses are justifiable, you are discounting the grief votekicks that do not warrant deserter status.