Getting kicked in dungeons for low DPS

No you’re being attacked because you’re made the entire story up, you’re a liar, and none of what you said actually happened.

IF you were getting kicked for doing 14k dps in heroics repeatedly… I would be on your side Yes that should not happen.

But for anybody who actually plays CATA, we know that’s just not happening. 11k-14k dps is perfectly fine for heroics… nobody is getting kicked (Every run) like you say you are. At least not for DPS.

Just admit it. You came here… lied… got busted in your lie… and now you’re just sticking around to troll.

You’re either him on an alt, or you’re the most gullible person ever lol.

Which is why I am a victim. That dps SHOULD be fine and I did not provoke any reason to be kicked. If its not low dps according to your opinion then its griefing. This points out absolute deserter for all votekicks is unreasonable and even more punishing to dps who have to wait in longer queues.

You said you were getting kicked in EVERY DUNGEON. So it’s not griefing. You’re either making the situation up completely, or you’re lying about the DPS you’re doing. Or you’re being toxic in chat.

I’ve done Hundreds maybe even close to 1000 dungeons using RDF. And I’ve never seen a single person kicked in heroics doing 11k to 14k dps. Not one. EVER.

So I know you’re making something up somewhere. Like I said before, either your dps numbers are a lie, the situation never happened and you don’t even play cata, you were toxic in chat, or you were leeching/afk.

I’m not a jerk that goes around calling people liars without actual proof, how the hell do you know what he said isn’t true? We have the most selfish idiots on earth playing this game.

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How do I know what he said isn’t true? Because of the close to 1000 dungeons I’ve run using RDF. I’ve NEVER seen a DPS get booted doing 14k dps.

He said that he’s getting kicked EVERY dungeon…

Does that make sense to you? Or does that raise a red flag in the portion of your brain that screams BS?

Now you are the liar here trying to frame me as one no matter what i say. I did not say “EVERY DUNGEON”. All I am saying is a tweak needs to be made about deserter for every votekick.

People who actually pug RDF a lot know that the claim of I get kicked every dungeon just cuz is BS. You’re either lying about that or you’re doing something to get yourself kicked and it’s not just low dps.

Hmm pretty sure you said Every, there is an edit on your post now, but still. It says “The MAJORITY” of your runs.

Yeah personally attacking me by gaslighting the entire thread. Part of this community is extremely toxic, which is why I understand the heavy handedness in this deserter decision. But a consideration for votekick abuse needs to also be addressed.

Are you sure you are not the troll here?

Actually he said:

I guess you missed that.

I have 6, 85’s atm all in full bloodthirsty gear 3 of them will never see a dungeon because their dps is ridiculously low because I don’t want to play bliz’s spec, BM hunter, Spriest and boomy. I’ve seem people try a vote kick because someone couldn’t find the dungeon entrance after they died. people are jerks.

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It does not need to be addressed, because it’s hardly ever being abused. And the alternate to not having a vote kick with a lockout are tanks and healers holding runs hostage. Or tanks/healers selling Q’s repeatedly. This was an ACTUAL problem that happened back in the day, unlike this nonsense you’ve made up in this post.

Also, I’m not sure if you know what gaslighting means…

1/3 to 1/4 of runs is still BS.

I missed it because it was not originally there. He edited it in look at edit history lol. You really are gullible.

If you read what I have written within the past 70 posts instead of focusing on attacking me and gaslighting the thread (ironic), you would see that I have agreed there has been abuse by tanks and healers, but I am saying they need to be more lenient for dps.

just be honest. You’re not getting kicked for 11k-14k dps. It’s just not happening.

Whether you agree with what happened or not, you have to admit being votekicked as dps is far more consequential than being votekicked as a tank or healer.

30 minutes is 30 minutes, I don’t see why one is more consequential than the other.

But admit it… you’re not getting kicked for 11k to 14k dps.

you know damn well that all it takes is ONE person initiating a votekick, the rest doesnt bother to check for who or why its popping up, they just click “yes” like good lil drones

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Right 30 minutes is the amount of time you get for a deserter status, but compare the dps queue to a tank queue or a healer queue. You have to admit dps queue is longer and therefore more punishing.

Now that you can admit deserter status for dps keeps them out of a dungeon longer, you must also admit every votekick is not justifiable and griefing happens (in your case if we applied there is no such thing as low dps). The conclusion would be deserter status application to dps should be more lenient because it is more punishing.