So when people say “LFG H DM” you think Dire Maul?
i cant see people posting for groups LFG is spammed with guild recruiting and boosters spamming sales
But you realize there’s zero room for confusion, right? Nobody says “LFG DM” and means Dire Maul. Let alone in Cata where there’s a heroic DM and DM:T/W/E are all dead content.
you also realaize that no1 spams LFG running heroics as they are obsolete so your argument has no merit deadmines is and will always be called VC
You are free to call it VC. Like I said, most people will know what you’re talking about. But acting like there’s any real reason to call it that other than your personal preference is a bit silly.
Most people in heroics don’t even care if you die every boss fight you’re definitely omitting something
Bro why can’t I go anywhere on the forums without you intentionally trolling people? How do you even have an account? Probably a good reason you hide on a level 10 alt considering I see you in every version of the forums… Please feel free to add this character to your ignore list because you’re getting really annoying to see everywhere.
That guy shouldn’t even have an account at this point IMO, hes got so many flame posts on every version of the forums he can’t even keep track.
Literal clown answer.
Why are you all still even still talking about this? you’re just giving the OP what they want by continuing this topic. On top of that you keep replying to his alts. You’re not hurting him, you’re helping him.
explains why you’re replying on a lowbie alt.
scared to show your noob face?
How would you know???
He has many alts he hides behind to be honest. I’ve figure out at least 2 of their other alts.
H dire maul is tough! Im not geared enough to go there yet.
It comes out right after Firelands and requires Firelands gear in order to complete it.
getting kicked and only some of the members voting is like if a guild is in the instance and they decide they don’t like you, are call you retarded after they decide to do a skip pull and not say anything and youre just supposed to “know” that the group is skipping, then a mass doesnt reach you, so you releas and try and run back but there are all the mobs the group just skipped, is the dumbest part of this expansion and LFG so far.
I understand going afk or leaving an instance before its done is good cause for a dungeon deserter, but why the HELL would this work if people just dont like you.
and believ me usually I do talk a lot of smack in instances just like everyone else does most times, but when you are playing with the DUMBEST scrubs and these late to the game POS give you a 30m lockout when you have things to do during the day is just outright BS.
everyone in the group should have to vote on a kick, and there should be no dungeon deserter unless you leave the instance. that’s my argument. this has happened countless times and im sick of it. Fix this now
Join a guild and run with friends. It is an MMO afterall.
Been playing since vanilla, release of BWL when i first started playing.
Veknilash. Bloodlust BG.
It was always DM for Deadmines. ALWAYS.
give me one other WoW dungeon/Raid thats has an acronym after the main boss of the instance.
I will wait.
Shocking that you’re getting kicked constantly. I’ve just leveld yet another character and got it to almost full pre raid BiS now. Still have yet to be kicked. So that’s thirteen level 85 characters now who’s all leveld up via dungeon finder and have done heroics to pre raid BiS… never been kicked.
This is a YOU problem my guy. Like many of us have said time and time again. Almost every kick is because of 1 of 3 things.
- Botting/Leeching
- Being AFK
- Toxic in chat (This is what I see people get removed for the vast majority of the time)
Time for you to look in the mirror for the reason you’re constantly getting kicked.
If it is happening countless times to you, then you are the issue.
I say this only because of the following statements you made tell me everything I need to know but… These sentences right here tell me it is you