Your view of a reasonable pace is obviously very different than my view of a reasonable pace. I think what you want is a speed run. Why claim you want a reasonable pace when what you want is to min/max every aspect of the dungeon to rush rush rush through it as quick as possible. It’s not a crime to want speed runs and to kick any one who slows you down a minute. Why not just admit that you only want to do speed runs.
i do Valor runs in a quick efficient manor.
I understand your inability to read and comprehend so I get it. I’ll try to take things slow for you so you can keep up.
Lol your the one who cant read or comprehend english buddy
Let me correct your disaster for you:
LOL you’re the one who can’t read or comprehend English buddy
LOL should be all caps
your is actually you’re
cant is actually can’t
english is actually English
Please do go on telling me how I can’t read or comprehend English. Every sentence you try to form only tells everyone what an uneducated fool you are.
Trust me, you are not my buddy.
Me not believing your story does not make me a vote kick abuser or make this community worse.
I have said in my first post here that 11k to 14k dps is fine for a heroic, that being said from you makes it hard for me to believe your story here and makes me want to know more:
Are you intentionally causing problems throughout the run such as pulling extra packs that shouldn’t be pulled together (unless the healer and tank is confident to handle it but lets say this run has a tank and healer that isn’t geared to the teeth yet), intentionally killing your party members and maybe causing a wipe? Doing good dps isn’t going shield you from this.
You being toxic? Doing good dps also isn’t going to shield you from this.
Even if you don’t do those things and you still get kicked for some reason, it sucks but reality is that its just a one off thing and isn’t going to happen in every group you come across, sure you may come across premade of 4 people who are 360+ ilvl and they kick you because low ilvl even though you do pull your own weight but Blizzard isn’t going to do what FFXIV does when you successfully remove someone from a Duty finder run (Dungeon finder for us WoW players) for no valid reason and punish the individual who falsely removed someone from their run.
Sorry are you refering to DM W, DM N or DM E and if you’re doing DM N are you doing it for DM T? I’d like those buffs.
Deadmines is DM, Dire Maul is DM W,N,E or T.
Lol tell me you didnt play Vanilla without telling me you didnt play Vanilla Deadmines has been called VC for almost 2 decades now
Yeah I’m aware of some people calling DM VC but don’t think that it’s a majority of the people calling it that.
Deadmines is DM, Dead Mines.
You’d know I’m talking about Dire Maul when I say DM W,E,N or T. Dire Maul North, South, East, West and Tribuite. It’s really not that hard to make a distinction between the two.
The only people who call Deadmines VC are people who can’t be bothered to add another letter when talking about Dire Maul.
Wrong DM is and will always be short for Diremaul and Deadmines will always be VC
To you sure but to the majority of the playerbase it’ll be DM.
The solution would be to call Deadmines “DMS,” since no S for Dire Maul
No solution is needed. You already call Dire Maul by the wing you’re doing: east, west, or tribute. DM E, DM W, DM T. DM is just deadmines. Nobody says “LFG DM” and means Dire Maul. They specify a wing.
I never heard it called VC until Classic vanilla, and then just once or twice by people who got taken to task for it in chat. Referring to an instance by the last boss isn’t a thing. No one ever said “LFG Aeonus,” or “need tank for Azil.” Calling Deadmines VC is just silly.
its called VC bc the last boss is VanCleef and it was always ounce DireMaul was released in VANILLA it was called VC to avoid confusion maybe if you actually played Vanilla you would understand this but seeing how you never played Vanilla and are a “classic player” i can understand where your confusion comes from.
Actually, if you played back then you would know there was never any confusion. A level 18 looking for DM was never confused with someone actually looking for DM W, or DM T.
DM vs VC is a very old argument and I’m not surprised that Shaloranis still takes it completely seriously 19 years later. Most people will know what you mean if you say VC, but there also shouldn’t be any confusion between DM, DMT, DMN, and DMW.
I think bro forget that he is on a cata classic thread where Dire maul is irrelevant. I haven’t seen a single player call Deadmines as VC in cata classic and I play on a dad server.
lol Deadmines is always called VC even on cata classic
I doubt you know since you’re not even playing it.