Getting kicked in dungeons for low DPS

These guys are lying while they call everyone else liars. Votekick abuse is rampant and you only need to do a few dungeons to see. Biggest fanboy coverup of classic.

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Your guild name accurately describes your mental state, how has multiple people disagreed with your statement and you still push on. What a hill to die on.

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Okay just look at the other threads not started by me. There are more, but I don’t necro really old threads.

No we just call liars… liars. And you Pootpootpoot, are a liar. You’ve been busted in so many lies and have tried to change your story so many times you can’t even keep up with your own nonsense. You’re pathetic and you have a problem.

Willing to bet you 50k in gold that If I do 10 dungeons tonight “I’ll stream them”, there will not be a single vote kick for anybody who’s not toxic or AFK/botting.

I’m not sure you know what the term “fanboy” means. I’m very critical of Blizzard and have been vocal about my criticism in both retail and classic forums. That said - This “vote kick problem” is simply not a problem. Nor is it rampant.

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Or your forum alts? lol

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Obviously you flagged me for trolling. If they were my forum alts, why haven’t they been taken down then?

You call other people liars while lying yourself.

Also why does this thread still exist after 386 replies of you being toxic and calling a bunch of people liars? What if they were liars would this thread exist because you flagged them for trolling?

It’s not against the tos to use your alts as forum sock puppets. It’s just the other posters who don’t like when people do it.

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I didn’t flag you for trolling. You’re making assumptions, much like you do when you assume that I constantly vote to kick people. I do neither of those things. But nice try.

What have I lied about? You have been proven to be a liar multiple times, not just by me but by others as well.

First, I’m not being toxic for calling you a liar. I’m just stating facts. Again, you’ve been proven a liar by multiple people. You lie so often you can’t even keep your stories straight. You were so bad at it at first that you had to go back and edit your posts to cover up your lies.

Second, I’ve called a handful of people liars who are clearly liars. You’re in that select group of people… congratulations.

Again, I didn’t flag a single post as trolling or spam or anything. I like it when stupid people post stupid things for the world to see, and I enjoy pointing out stupidity. Why would I want to remove a form of entertainment for myself?

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10/10 trolling though, hundreds of bites.

Not the best troll I’ve seen, but for the Cata Classic forums, decent.

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I won’t take that bet. Just finished running 2 alts this weekend… No boots needed/required. His HPD needs regulated.

No one is flagging you for trolling in this thread or any other thread. Why should we? You continue to make a horses behind of yourself and I totally love to watch someone spiral down the preverbal toilet.

While I’m waiting for my non-booting dungeons to pop…it gives me something to read and laugh at.

That’s him talking to someone complaining about being booted.

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This is why I don’t do instances. Every single person in this thread are toxic elitists, with a couple of exceptions.

Christ. I’ve heard it all now.

It’s elitist to say to not do 4k dps… Alright.

You don’t do instances, so you neither do dungeons nor do you raid… What do you do then?

They come to the forums as a rotating alt to spew nonsense about elitists and other garbage.

It’s kinda funny ngl.

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To be honest, nunya business.

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