Im sorry but your first sentence just explains what your whole thread is about. We repeatedly tell you that no one is getting vote kicked for 11-14k dps and you fail to acknowledge it once. I have ran more heroics than I have taken a dump this year and I can say that lesser than 10 ppl have been vote kicked for low dps
To properly evaluate this claim we need more information. Consistency of evacuations, amount of fiber in your diet, amount of red meat, hardness of the evacuations, use of drugs or medications, or any other relevant information.
Yeah you definitely votekick people unreasonably all the time that is why all you do is call me a liar when in actuality you are the liar.
Only evidence I got is that its smelly af
Never once vote kicked a single person who was not AFK, a bot, or toxic.
No, I like many others in this thread have called you a liar, because youâre a liar.
Name one thing Iâve lied about. Because I can literally scroll up and quote about 10 things in this thread alone were we caught you in lies.
Of the two of us, only one has multiple people calling BS on them. And itâs not me lol.
So I was bored and went back and read the entire thread, and itâs pretty clear that youâve fabricated much of your story if not all of it. Not only are you clearly making things up, but youâre also struggling to keep your lies straight, constantly mixing up your details.
While I agree that the vote kick system is not perfect, (I feel it should require four votes instead of three), I donât see this as a widespread issue needing major changes. I can count on one hand the number of vote kicks Iâve seen across both my characters.
If you believe thereâs a problem with the system, thatâs fine. Nobody here is claiming itâs perfect. What people have an issue with as they have pointed out, is that youâve clearly lied. And come on man⌠letâs be honest you have.
Lying is not the way to get people to support your ideas. Youâve been caught, and youâre just digging yourself deeper. You need to stop, admit you lied, and start fresh if you want to have a REAL dialogue. Otherwise, you should stop posting because youâre only embarrassing yourself.
There was this fury warrior doing 4k in heroic.
Others tried to boot him. I, as a tank, refused to kick him.
He stayed in the group till the end, despite several attempts to boot him.
If it happens regularly on you, then you might be the cause, not necessarily your DPS.
theres a few problems here.
- Fury war
- 4k dps
- You griefing the party refusing to allow him to be kicked
If the group is moving forward at a reasonable pace and no one is dying I never vote to kick anyone. The only time I look at dps is if thereâs a problem moving forward.
Ok to be fair the Fury warrior probably doesnt know its garbage or he just came back to cata after wotlk classic. I know that first week launch of cata I was still in fury spec. #justiceforbrownboys.
im always looking at the damage meters.
Here are the top 5 reasons I vote to kick to people
- In PvP gear
- Wearing wrong armor ( shaman wearing leather/cloth )
- They purposely pull extra trash that isnt needed
Then youâre part of the problem being discussed in this thread. The only thing I care about is completing the dungeon in reasonable amount of time.
I actually disagree those are 5 valid reasons to kick a person from heroics
- AFK - Theyre not doing anything theyre dead weight looking for a free ride
- BAD DPS - Theyre hard carrys looking for a free ride
- In PvP gear - PvP gear doesnt belong in PvE content
- Wearing wrong armor type ( shamans wearing cloth and armor) - theyre just bad and dont understand armor mastery and should go buy greens so they get that 5% buff) THIS ISNT CLASSIC â WOTLK
- They purposley pull extra trash - That should be self explanatory
If you are always looking at damage meters, how would you notice the pvp gear? You would have to look at other things to do that.
Thatâs the only valid reason I would kick someone. If someone is pulling who is not the tank Iâd vote to kick if the tank addressed it without success. If the group is moving forward at a reasonable pace I donât care about your other issues. One of the main problems with rdf is uptight people like you. Iâd put you on my ignore list
Well the damage meter is part of my screen it doesnt take up 100% of my screen
Lol you seem to be missing the point that is why you kick bad players/dead weight to keep a reasonable pace. Why would you keep someone who isnt contributing to the run but holding you back?
Obvious you are not making that clear - seems like the same drama filled story that keeps changing to support your inaccurate narrative about vote kicks.
No one other than you should have access to any of that (except Blizzard). If they do, then that is a viloation of ToS. But let me say this, no one would care about seeing any of those logs, chats, etc.
No one said that. The âmajorityâ of the people are telling you that if you are getting kicked the âmajorityâ of your runs â it is you not the game.
Iâve done DM on my healer plenty of times w/o the someone in the vehicle. Does it make it easier? yes, is it necessary? no.
Dire Maul is in Classic not Cata
Hard concept for you but considering the reference/reply was to a Dead Mines reply and this thread is about kicking people doing â11K or 18Kâ dps, and Cataclysm, and the specific vehicle fight in Deam mines, 99.9999999% of the people reading would understand context, reference and reading comprehension. We all understand you are an exception to normal human behavior + toxic as hell.
Well Deadmines has been called VC for the last almost 20 years now