Getting kicked in dungeons for low DPS

disc priests can do 10k dps. You’re getting beaten by a healer, it’s time to look at your spec, gear and rotation.

I farmed all farmable tier pieces on my toons and no one has ever been kicked for doing 11-14k dps

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In full raid gear in raid settings. it’s not like your average disc priest is sitting there doing easy 10k dps. This is just a bad comment, or worse it’s intentionally wrong.


I can get up to 12k in a raid, a lot of heroics i can do 8 to 9 easily without trying.

A dps awake at their keyboard should be capable of doing more dps than someone in naxx 25

I only have one 85 so far and haven’t done many instances yet, not even any heroics.

But, I remember it being an utter cesspool during retail Cata and vote kicking was completely out of control. I can remember spending over an hour in queue only to be booted for low DPS on the first trash pack. (At the time I was playing a Rogue that had not so great AoE and a pretty hard ramp-up time on the rotation, so trash DPS was…well…trash.)

“Rogue, please delete your toon.”
“lol fail rogue, bye”
“My hunter was doing more DPS in Wrath.”

Happened fairly often, before the first boss I’d be booted and get deserter. I always thought it was pretty unfair. There goes literally an entire play session because of DPS on one trash pack.

If he OP says this is happening again, I’d be inclined to believe them. It certainly happened last time.

Did you take the time to read what he said? Because if you did, you would see it’s clear that the kid was flat out making crap up. He changed his story at least 6 or 7 times, there is a post up there somewhere where we counted how many times his story changed.

Pretty sure this guy does not even play cata classic, or if he does, he didn’t have an 85 pally at the time as he claimed.

Sadly some people jsut can’t chill or have fun with odd pulls.

One night on the leveling s. priest we were all going wth?

Everyone but tank…a priest. 3 shadow, 1 holy. Screen just lit up with all the shadow healz on hit.

The literal top 10 parses for disc on 90% of the fights are 10-14k, so you’re either lying or you’re not being truthful or realistic. We have the parses. We can look it up.

I just saw a DPS get votekicked in a dungeon I ran. I made a comment about them stealing too much healer loot.

Basically what started it was a healer necklace dropped, you know, with Spirit on it. So I wait to see if he rolled need, I didn’t see his roll, so I just greeded, he needed (I already had a Heroic necklace). This prompted me to inspect him. Okay, I get it, people roll on stuff for ilvl. I inspect this guy and literally every single piece he’s wearing, including the one green he had had spirit on it.

I then start looking at his damage, he is bottom as Arcane. We are struggling in the run because of low DPS. He gets votekicked.
Next thing I know he’s DMing me about the item and needing and this and that. I was like bro, you’re missing the point. You’re ninjaing healer gear which is making your damage bad, like do you not understand how stats work or??? You’re not getting kicked because of items, you’re getting kicked because you’re bad and because you’re rolling on healer stuff. It’s just bad through and through.

Will say, I can kind of see where they’re coming from. It’s super rare, but just got kicked from a group by some premade from grobbulus, They wanted an offspec trinket, didn’t say anything, waited until right before pulling the boss (after I was saved) and kicked me so I couldn’t roll for it. It was super frustrating to get kicked just because these morons couldn’t preplan. And I wouldn’t have minded as much if they didn’t get me saved to the dungeon first. I’m in mostly HC raid gear, but have cleared tol’vir 46 times now and never gotten the trinket. And now it’s a day wasted because of these idiots… It’s too bad I can’t post their names or guild cause of the blizzard forum rules, but blizzard won’t do anything about idiots doing stuff like this in game.

Overall I don’t think it’s a widespread problem, don’t think the 30 min timer needs to be removed or adjusted… But blizzard definitely needs to take action against morons abusing the system.

If you want gear, go in with a full 5 stack, or if you only have 4 just fly to the dungeon and 4 man it…

Items with spirit are not automatically healer items and haven’t been for a while now. Not only do most casters get a benefit from spirit (mages are one of the exceptions sure) but with reforging even items with undesirable stats can be useful and significant upgrades. It would be preferable to you if they didn’t roll on it, but it’s absolutely not entitled to you simply because it has spirit on it.

Arcane is the lower dps spec for mages and underperforms relative to other class specs, but is significantly better than fire at lower gear levels. It would not be a surprise for someone that is willing to roll on a spirit item as an upgrade that is an arcane mage to be doing low damage.

I highly doubt that his dps output was the reason for your struggling in the run. Gearing at the start running heroics I was putting out 9k-12k before I got my gear up to par and had no issues with the runs at all.

At the end of the day, it is your choice to vote kick as a group. If you don’t like that he’s doing something, and the other people agree with you, and the kick passes it passes. That’s really all there is to it. And how grouping with other players works.

Who told you this? In dungeons it’s even less true because arcane sucks so bad at AoE and fire is great at AoE.

Yep. Sometimes you get lots of decent understanding people. we see crap vote kicks and go…no.

I had some leveling runs last night some dude kept putting up vote kicks for a player. In a leveling dungeon.

No’s every time. Its a leveling dungeon, not a timed mythic 20 run lol.

It got to the point many of us were going in chat okay dude…wth is optimal dps you have in mind for a level 80. PLease stop the spam.

Or leave (we killed first boss, so they were good there).

I like how you’re so petty you have to just follow me around to other threads to argue. Not taking the bait. Get off the forums and go outside.

How incredibly vain of you. I was actively participating in this thread’s discussion days before you entered it.

It’s not bait, it’s a correction, because I main this class and you’re posting misinformation. Not only is arcane not really better than fire even at low gear levels even on single target, but playing the spec with no AoE in dungeons is bad. Doing bad damage on the trash is not worth doing slightly more consistent damage on bosses. It’s a great way to get kicked for low dps. Feel free not to come back and argue. It’s not an argument. Just a statement of fact.

We don’t agree. And a lot of guides written by mage players don’t agree. And the mages I know don’t agree. So we can agree to disagree.

It’s not my opinion. It’s a fact. Supported by both sims and raid data. And fire is vastly better than arcane for dungeons even at low gear levels because arcane’s AoE/cleave is terrible. It’s nothing personal, you’re just wrong. :person_shrugging:

It’s so very sad that you just cannot take a simple statement of let’s both walk away and be over. Have a nice day.

Now that my dps is a little higher I am not being votekicked for it. But this system is for sure being abused. In vortex my guildie just got votekicked right before the mount boss. While on my hpal on tides just now I got votekicked on last boss because they said I WASNT DOING ENOUGH DAMAGE AS HEALER lmao.

You can just stop with your lies at any time now. We all know you’re just trolling. Give it up.

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