Getting kicked gets you deserter?

So instead of fixing the problem, they make it worse by not punishing the dreadful behavior and instead punishing EVERYONE… I really wonder what goes through their heads when they make dumb decisions like this.

They don’t need to fix it, they need to scrap it. VTK and Deserter for queued PvE were only ever a thing because of the daily grind for Valor badges, which hasn’t been a thing since Mists of Pandaria. Every problem inherent to these systems now could be solved if they would just. let. people. leave. groups.

For every thread I see where someone doesn’t want to be “held hostage” by whatever idea for a leave penalty in M+, I wonder why this doesn’t apply to the poor schmuck who queues into a half finished Ara-Kara because in their infinite wisdom Blizzard decided people wouldn’t be allowed to reject in-progress runs. Are they not being “held hostage?”

you gonna pay me a salary and wage to fix blizzards problems?

i understand you want to lick blizz boots and all, but never ever is it a customers responsibility to fix a billion dollar corporations problems that they refuse to. in what world does that make sense to you? and yes they choose to not fix it. they could, but dont.


I understand you probably copy paste most of your replies, because I’m not licking boots I’ve criticized Blizz a lot in the past and recently.

I have also seen this particular thread thousands of times and no one has an answer because there is no answer.

It’s not a problem that can be fixed, nor is it really a problem. If someone wants to do every single boss they can make a follower dungeon and those little followers will do whatever they want in the dungeon.

Because, as has already been proven, the vast majority of players would reject in-progress runs. So a person leaving would be the death knell for your group instead of being able to get quick replacements.

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Thank you. :hugs:

If someone wants to do a certain boss or quest, then just do it. You may lose a minute or two, but you show kindness.

I still think this is a myth…

Before the current system was implemented, we could see the progress of the dungeon / raid. Guess what? Groups did still fill almost instantly and you know why?

Because there are thousands of players in the queue and most just want the XP for the dungeon queue quest or a certain drop of a boss.

I understand that people who are toxic get a deserter, but sadly the majority of people that are kicked have done nothing wrong.

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Two things, first I want to agree that the group would still get filled even if the pop up said “in progress.” I know I would, as a tank it’s so cool to hop into a random for the satchel and then only have to do like trash and one boss. Quick gold!

However what I will dispute is that the majority of people being kicked have done nothing wrong. Neither of us have any sort of numbers to know what people were kicked for.

And the kick doesn’t have to be for doing something by wrong, if the majority wants to kick they can.

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That shouldn’t have any connection with WoW’s budget. It’s one field in one control block somewhere (or should be) that says how long the AFK timer runs.

That was only a problem because Heroic dungeons had a daily lockout. Again, an antiquated system for deprecated issues. Rejecting in-progress instances is the default behavior of the Duty system in FF14, and somehow it has far faster queue times than WoW does.

The problem was mainly with LFR, which still has the exact same lockout. So it’s not antiquated in the slightest.