Getting kicked for no reason

If only there were a resource that one could use that has videos and guides of every fight. Somebody should come up with something like that.

I had pre-raid BiS before Naxx opened, fully gemmed and enchanted, and knew every boss encounter. I cleared the raid day 1 of it opening

You people just love inventing narratives huh?

Unfortunately not every learning method works for every single person. Some learn better from seeing, some learn better from reading, some learn better from hearing, and some learn better from doing

In the instance that video guides just don’t work for some people, it falls on the raid leader to be able to both explain fights, and be able to recognize where mistakes are made and help others figure out what they need to do correctly. That, unfortunately, is not a skill that everyone has


Yep, you and 90% of the playerbase.

Well done for doing the bare minimum.

You’re the one being an apologist for those not willing to even watch a short guide when the time of 24 other people is on the line

You’ve got to be trolling at this point. I’m done wasting my time with you

But not with those who exercise 0 personal responsibility

Sorry if I upset you

Did you think day 1 naxx clear and pre raid bis was something special? :joy:


If arms doesn’t scale well right now, it won’t scale well at all. This is only time arms is supposed to be better than fury.

Ulduar they’re supposed to equalize in start, then fury takes over in ToC firmly, and ICC it’s no contest, fury does 2x-3x more dmg.

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Probably most people learn better from doing, but there isn’t really any evidence to support that different people learn better through reading, listening, watching, etc.

But the peopel who cry about being replaced in my experience, are usually the people who put zero effort into anything. IE their character, learning the basics of the fights, Rotation, and so on.

Outside of a hardcore raid enviornment, nobody is kicking a warrior or any dps for that matter doing 2.5k to 3k damage. And you just need the most basic of understanding and skill to get those numbers.

I’m trying to stay out of yall’s convo, but this is too true.

I watched a total of 0 guides. My GM ran basic mechanics by us. Using Anub as the example since you mentioned him earlier, he told me “Dps boss, don’t follow me when I run away”.

Easy kill. I learned the fight while doing. Watching or reading it does nothing for me. I need to see the mechanics, feel the timings, watch the fight play out to learn it. Seeing a 30 second Naxx guide does absolutely nothing for me.

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Yes but you also put time and effort into your character. I looked at your parces. You think if you were doing 1.5k damage, didn’t know your rotation, AND didn’t know any of the fights, your raid leader would want you in the runs?

There is a big difference between somebody who has skill, and teaching htem on the fly, “because you have a basic understanding of how the game works”. And trying to tech somebody who is a zero effort leech.

I’m not arguing against that. I do put in work for this character. I got a 10 day zucc 7 hours into launch. Unzucc’d Friday at 0027, and then hit 80 from 72 off of questing around Saturday at 9 pm. Made my guild raid Sunday at 830 server for the first week clear.

I’m just trying to add that I don’t learn from guides. I tried back in BFA during Mythic Uldir. I studied the Journal, I watched vods, I really did try to learn from reading. It did nothing. I need to feel the fight, and I’m sure others do as well.

Of course, if they don’t care about their character at all, then it shouldn’t matter how they learn, they shouldn’t be in the raid until their character is meeting the requirements of the group to not be a detriment, knowledge of the fights or not.

Edit: You parse checked me, and I just want to add, I hate Maex, I got webbed and it killed my parse. I’m still mad.


yup u will have to unsubcribe. Life isnt fair my guy

Not surprising in the slightest. But most players in my experience when it comes to leading don’t mind taking charge. The players that also put restrictions view this as tedious behavior and a waste of time, the worst kind of people to play with to be honest. And they mostly play in GDKP anyways. It’s more or less the same people over and over and over again.

Don’t run with min-maxers.
Try to find a guild or a group that is prog and not looking to totally stomp the raid. You’ll have much more luck there.
While I think it’s rude to kick someone who isn’t 100% the best gear and talents ever min-max god I also can’t tell people how to play and don’t think anyone else should.
If people want to min-max they can and unfortunately no one is forced to play with you.

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So OP instead of being all “Woe is me” about this let’s try to identify the problem and fix it.

Class- They knew you were a dps warrior when you were invited so this isn’t it.

Spec- This is possible. Are you in a pvp/leveling spec or are you in a raiding spec? If you don’t know the difference then you should look at a few warrior guides online.

Gear- This is the most likely. I think any reasonable person will admit that full pre bis takes some luck (there is always one or two pieces that refuse to drop), but that is no excuse for your gear to be awful. Between badge gear, heroic blues, and craftables a presentable set is easy to obtain with a little effort.

Figure out what the problem is and fix it instead of crying on the forums that nobody is willing to hold your hand.

People act like anyone that isn’t uber casual is an elitist and that just isn’t true. It is not unreasonable for the rest of the people in your raid to expect you to put a little effort into your character. Showing up to a raid in half greens with no gems or enchants is a giant middle finger to everybody else and most will not take kindly to it.




Now, when it comes to forming my 5-mans, I really don’t care, I’ll bring any class, brand new players, fresh 80s. The only amount of attention I pay to 5-man content is trying not to overstack any armor type and when gear is egregiously bad.

But raids? That’s a very different situation. It’s a higher difficulty, it takes a lot more coordination (especially outside of the fights) and no one wants to waste a week-long lockout on a bunch of wipes and ultimately a failed raid. I totally support people getting into raiding and learning through trial and error, but people whining that they can’t just waltz into any group they want to be carried is just ridiculous. I think they’re too conditioned to expect their LFR participation trophies.

Quietly marks post as best response


Yeah, that’s not how it happened during original Wrath… at all.

Gear doesn’t equal skill…

I didn’t claim it did

Higher gs = higher potential damage

Potential being the key word

We all know it’s not always the case, player skill, experience and class/specs are just as important - but GS gives an indication.

Though it’s hard to have a metric for player skill, unless you’re advocating that pugs have their logs checked also?

But I don’t think you are.

Also pugs are reasonable, with 4K gs on most of the fights in naxx you should easily be able to finish with > 5k dps with practically every class

If you did 3.5k dps, it wouldn’t be a huge problem - naxx is easy afterall

If you died almost instantly because you didn’t know the fight, well that’s a problem.

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