Getting kicked for no reason

in WotlkC we have awesome socializing where people doesn’t care about you as person, they only care about your class & gear.

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You’re going to have a tough time finding groups as a warrior till later phase, people want meta and that’s another dk or lock, not a second warrior

People are surprised when they’re plate queueing into a pally tank, dk dps, and a ret dps group and they’re being declined. I dunno man, why do you think.

3 Interesting Facts About The Brain

Last updated on June 20th, 2022

The brain is the most complex part of the human body. It is responsible for intelligence, interpretation of senses, controlling of behavior and initiation of body movements. The brain is enclosed in hard skull with protective fluids. With these interesting facts, let’s learn more about its: size, weight, cholesterol content, number of cells; multi-tasking, attention span, dreams, physical health, decision making, diseases and more.

9. Interestingly, the largest brains are those of [sper whales weighing about 8 kg (18 lb).

Way too many people rerolled FOTM classes this expansion.

I’ve never seen so many plate wearers in my life and every arena match (that I’ve been in) has at least one plate wearer (usually a DK or a pally)

Op, you best try to find a guild. if you’re not a shaman, hunter, or priest, then pugging is going to really suckkkkkk.

Yes it is. I was there.

No, raid groups used to accept all. We had NOTHING compared to the toxicity we have today.


LOL ok I thought you were being serious. xD

i get the same thing on ret. its super hard to get groups. then when i get a group i destroy on dps because dungeons are all ret is good at.

i don’t understand the kick. my gear is a mix of 10 and 25man with some bis items. yet i get kicked.

Anyone who’s that amped about min/maxing should be running guild-only runs. This nonsense in PuGs is dumb. But the Classic players are consistent… they insist on ruining the game over some weird sense of superiority (which is really just an extension of some insecurities they must have from IRL.)

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Huh, I recall PuGs happening. Raids might have a gear check of sorts, but nothing crazy (until GearScore came out.) Most dungeon groups were just happy to fill. The ICC5’s were harder if the group was significantly under-geared.

The modern players are way worse in pretty much every respect when it comes to entitlement and attitude.

I am being serious. We didn’t experience anything near this bad back in original Lich King.

And now you see why people who form groups discriminate. You tried and couldn’t even beat the easiest boss in the easiest raid. That’s what happens when you don’t filter out the bad players.

Incidentally if OP is getting regularly kicked and has decent gear, let’s see some logs

I don’t believe it was for no reason.

Because the raid had no leadership, a skill that I lack and the reason why “just form your own” is not as easy an answer as it sounds

Actually you are correct…

Forming and controlling a raid team is the most difficult part of clearing any raid. Raid leaders cannot be thanked enough. Even when you have players who have known each other and player together for YEARS things can go bad just in the formation.

Part of it is balance, part of it is execution…

So when you form a guild you are best served to have a crystal clear disclaimer for all guild members…

  1. Absolutely no PUGS (too many reasons to list)

  2. Set up core teams and let them get gear first. (Loot council)

  3. Always have a list of what you need and stick to it. Don’t bring 3 DKs and 2 Fury and zero Boomkin… You need specific comp.

  4. Thank everyone and be helpful. It’s your team act like it!

  5. Consumables

  6. Watch videos and guides or don’t raid. You are wasting everyone’s time if you don’t!!!

  7. Be On Time!!! Raid starts at 8:30 you are pulling at 8:30. Don’t hold up 9 or 24 other people for your buddy…

  8. Respect Raid leader’s decisions. Even if you know a better way adapt to the instructions or preferences of the lead.

  9. Don’t be greedy…

  10. After you get gear you come back to help get clear times faster.

Follow these steps for a healthy Raid team.

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