Getting kicked for no reason

Just because I’m a warrior or whatever? Damn I kept getting removed from raids and groups guess I’ll just unsubscribe

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You know it’s probably because of your gear but you posted this anyways

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Are you Arms or Fury? There’s a lot of bias against Arms right now simply because it doesn’t scale super well with current gear.

Like Eireallach said above, your gear could be the issue, too. Have you bothered to get some reputation gear before running dungeons, or are you just trying to get into heroics with quest gear?

Raid groups only want the super best. They will inspect your gear and will kick you if you don’t have best in slot in all slots. Back in 2008 it was a real problem, and eventually Blizzard made changes to the game which negated the need to require BiS for raids, but then people complained about that too, so here we are. The only way I see around it is to organize your own raid group where you are the raid leader and won’t kick anyone for less than perfect gear.

Like half epics I just crafted titansteel destroyer and wanted to raid

also I’m hit and expertise cap

Find another group dude. Clearly that one was too demanding.

Also you can get into VoA 25 PUGs to try and get some tier pieces for free.


I just got my tier hand from badges I’m good right now thanks

That’s great! Glad to hear your gear is half-decent. What’s your spec, though?

Right now I’m arms/fury

Most of your points into Arms with the leftovers into Fury?

Form your own groups, with blackjack n hookers! That’ll show em


Let’s group. I promise not to kick you until we loot :slight_smile:

Its WOTLK the raids are ultra easy what is it with people these days who want like ultra Min/max meta spec with pre-raid BIS gear otherwise they are not invited to do raids people can clear in blues gear from questing?

I could understand for tanks, since you don’t want tanks using bad specs with DPS gear but for DPS? As long as they are not in full greens it should be fine especially for naxx.

Because min/maxing is fun and I’d rather clear Naxx in an hour and a half instead of three and a half hours.


some people have fun min maxing. i feel like this is a pretty obvious answer

I just want to say to the people saying “form your own group the raids are easy”:

I tried that last week. We wiped to Anub’Rekhan about 5 times before the raid just disbanded

I don’t disagree that Naxxramas is extremely easy (I literally cleared it in a full pug day 1, but that group actually did have leadership), but with no raid leadership it’s not nearly so simple as “form your own group”

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And you still wonder why people ask for gs requirements and achis?

Who’s got time to explain 15 bosses :man_shrugging:t2:

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Ideally, whoever is leading the raid

Or get people who already understand extremely simple mechanics on a decade+ old fights?



Or be willing to introduce new people who may be playing the game for the first time who could actually be great raiders in the future they just don’t know any better now?