Getting kicked for no reason

Did they say why they removed you?

Maybe those great future raiders should show some respect to the other 24 people in the raid and watch a 30 second YouTube video prior to wasting everyone’s time?


Well be proud of being part of the problem I guess :person_shrugging:

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I would try to find a relaxed guild. Our entire raid team is undergeared and we’ve knocked out all the 10 and 25 man raids 2 weeks in a row. A LOT of pugs are going to be demanding, whether the content is hard or not, as they still don’t want to take chances. If a guild’s not your fancy, you could always que pvp until you have enough pvp gear to cover your weakest gear pieces.

Those who are going in totally blind and expecting to have their hand held?

Yeah I agree


This is what a casual-friendly guild is for.

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Tactile learners are a thing.

Wow, you sure are benevolent when it comes to telling other people how they should use their time. Why not be the change you want to see, rather than trying to be a beggar and a chooser simultaneously, and expecting other people to do this work for you?

Maybe you should be the one to introduce new players into raiding, if you think that’s something that the community should do. Rather than once again, being a beggar and a chooser at the same time and expecting other people to do it.

People like you are precisely the reason why LFR was created. When people don’t want to waste hours on simple bosses and potentially not even complete the raids, so they hand-pick people who know what they’re doing, you call it gatekeeping.

If you think it’s a “problem” that people aren’t donating tens of hours of their time to being a tour guide for new players, maybe you should do something about it. I do this myself when forming 5-man groups. If you think that the same can be done with raids, then by all means, have at it. Unless, like most people, wiping on the first boss in the raid until the group falls apart seems like a poor use of your time… :rofl:

Non tank wars and hunts need to make their own groups.

Nothing new.

Don’t agree. Just truth.

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Nothing wrong with that.
If you aren’t guilded, OP, this is what you are up against.
Live the pug life - play the meta game.

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Tell me you read literally nothing I said without telling me you read literally nothing I said

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Tell me you have no argument without telling me you have no argument. :rofl:

Fun fact, my fastest run so far has been a pug technically. It was a gdkp. We spent more time on loot than we did on obtaining the loot.

But, then again, it’s a pug designed with pumpers in mind, and since its current content, most of us were already geared. Your average pug won’t be that.

Pretty sure he read it.

It’s just like looking for a job in the real world. You ask how am I supposed to get the experience without the job, and how am I supposed to get the job without experience. His answer is the same as a lot of hr people: that’s not my problem. It sucks, and it doesn’t speak to well for the community, but that’s what it is.


There’s nothing to argue with. You didn’t read what I said, you just made up a narrative to attack

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Pretending there’s nothing to argue is a pitiful look. Glad we agree you have no argument though.

Just stop, you’re embarrassing yourself

And if the OP was kicked from a gdkp he was told the reason. Most (not all of course) are run fairly competently if they are running on the regular.

Some rando trade chat pug - that’s the life it sounds like opie is living.
You do you if that thing is what you want but be ready for rando kicks and blow ups, OP.

If it’s a whimsical /2 gdkp, it’s going to be bad.

If it’s an ad in /2 for a discord that’s hosting runs, and they show transparency in their rules, sign ups, rosters, payout, and future gdkp runs, then it’s probably going to be solid.

OP just needs to find the reputable pug groups, gdkp or not. Any rando making a raid in /2 just increases the risk of it failing. Less gearchecks, or gearchecks specifically for everyone but the host and his friends as they want to be carried and get free loot, less player accountability in regards to their character’s maintenance, higher chance of less experienced players, etc. It’s just too much of a risk with too little of a reward.

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People wonder why pugs have some over the top requirements

It’s because people like this exist who are determined to have 0 personal responsibility and are so self centred that they don’t care about wasting everyone else’s time

If more people did the bare minimum in preparing for a raid they’ve never done, the need for this whole pug vetting wouldn’t be required.