Getting disconnect after using a flight path

Just throwing another name to the list, happening to me 100% of the time. On my DH.


Confirming too, happens on my DH. Seems to be any fast travel (FP, maw teleporter, etc.)
Waiting a few seconds (or mounting then dismounting) seems to remedy this issue until fix.

Same. It has been happening ever since 9.1. Sometimes, I even get disconnected twice: once on the land when I start trying to move, and again on the re-log in trying to move. Today it even happened in Necrotic Wake from the teleporter. Itā€™s getting ridiculous.

Happens all the time on my DH, but also happens on my Rogue.

Happening to me as well, and ONLY on my DH. Using 10 toons regularly, 9 of them are fine.

Using 8 toons regularly, same problem on mi DH and pally KIRIAN. The problem also appears inside the dungeons

Same issue here. Disconnected after every landing portal in Theater of Pain and my DH keeps disconnecting.

Itā€™s been a once and a while thing in the past but tonight Iā€™ve had at least 6 disconnects.

same hereā€¦

One of my guildies had this issue and resolved it by temporarily renaming the Interface folder so addons couldnā€™t load.

I had this issue earlier this evening, and it required using the character stuck service to relocate the character.

Exactly! Happens to my DH every time I use a flight path outside SL and return to SL. Take a step and Iā€™m disconnected. Iā€™ve spent at least 2 hrs trying to figure this out. Ainā€™t possible. So I have to use my Hearthstone to Sinfall when I want to go back. [And by the way, why in the world is there a 30 minute cooldown on the Hearthstone!?] Anyway, Iā€™d be nice if Blizz would fix this problem with the DH being disconnected! And this never happens with my main or other alts.


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Well, thatā€™s not at all annoying or frustrating. How the heck does a patch break simple movement?

Nice to know I am not alone. Itā€™s an annoying bug and I hope it gets fixed soon.

LOL. So this just started on my DH after I switched from venthyr to kyrian.

Same hereā€¦and it got better. Doing the assault in the Maw where the guy throws you off the wall. D/Cā€™d when I landed and now canā€™t log back in. Kyrian DH

Same here on my Demon Hunter. How in the world does a bug only affect one class?!?

Been having issues all day with this. Got disconnected during the venthyr event when giant tossed me down. Just got disconnected doing the assault cargo escort. There have been a couple other instances as well.

Several times when I logged back in I was placed on the other side of the zone where I was like 5-10 minutes earlier.

Yep, the same heer, after any flying path took one step and get disconnected

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Glad im not crazy, ive tried all those fixes for the wow51900319 and nothing worked. be nice if they addressed it being a problem. Just finished re logging 10times crawling to turn in weekly anima quest lol

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Been having this issue a lot today. Itā€™s been in and out of Shadowlands. Going to try the standard fixes but itā€™s been in both SL and legacy content after landing. And in the maw/korthia zones, will go from playing fine to straight lag then dc.

Hi all,

Fellow DH here. Also getting disconnects. I went through all of my addons while taking flight points in between disabling and enabling, and it seems to be TradeSkillMaster and TradeSkillMaster_AppHealer that were causing the disconnects for me. I was getting disconnected after every single flight point; after uninstalling i am now iā€™m free to fly and not have fear of getting kicked from groups :slight_smile: @Jambrix in case this helps the bug report, as it may be an addon issue.

This is also happening to me constantly as of 9.1. Any word on a fix?