Getting disconnect after using a flight path

I have to agree with this. I only just started trying TSM a few days ago. I had been playing my DH without TSM for a few days with no problems, but after TSM I started getting disconnects. It’s not even a regular occurrence. Kind of random. I guess I’ll just fly myself when I can.

This is happening for me as well, but I have all of my add-ons disabled at the moment (on my DH Praemunitio)

This is happening to my DH as well. It happens on both my PC and my laptop. I recently reinstalled WoW on my PC and still get the issue. I do not have TSM installed.

Same issue. Do not even have TSM installed so it is not related to that.

Still a problem, every flight path, every time. Only on DH.

I have another problem with my character. Everytime I open Spotify I got disconnected lol

Same, Demon hunter. Turned off all addons. Issue persists. Please Fix.

absolutely the same, VDH Kyrian

Having the same issue. Addon-free when it started.

Thank god I’m not the only one having this issue right now. This only happened after 9.1. It was fine before that. I tried all the possible solutions they told me after opening a ticket two times, and it’s still not fixed! I had enough of this so I’m going to play TBC for a while until they fix this issue.

Anywhere that makes you have a loading screen… crashes for me. Then Disconnects again after relaunching game and logging in

Agreed. Taking a flight dismounted works.

I’ve also been able to beat the bug by using “Fel Rush” before I take a step. Seems to clear out the bug…problem. Once I use Fel Rush everything is fine.

Count me among your favored sheep!
DH also having this issue. Glad there are small work arounds but still amazingly annoying!

Yep. I have this problem when I take a single step after landing from a flight master. Is this some sort of bug? Also coming from a DH, my profile just shows my rogue alt.

Has happened to me four times today on two different characters. On my mage, it also happened when finishing a quest in the Maw and when said character gets thrown down to ground level.

this issue has been ongoing. Fix this crap asap. Are we still in beta?

Today was even worse. Instead of just a normal disconnect it completely crashed my game without any type of error or anything.

Same. My dh is disconnecting from FPs, going in portals… just various random things are causing me to disconnect.

Did fine in a m+ though so i’m not completely dead in the water…

I’m getting seriously frustrated at the number of disconnects on my demon hunter.

For the past 2 expansions, i’ve had issues with disconnects when using Fel Rush, but 9.1 is next level.

I get disconnected when I move after landing on a flight path constantly. I got disconnected in Nerzhul resulting in a raid wipe.

If it’s related to the fly-hack bot detection, honestly just tune that knob up a few notches and let us play the game in peace.

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This issue did begin on Tuesday. Don’t think it happened on my 2 alts I ran today for dailies. I run multiple 60s: dk, dh, hunter, and priest classes.

There was a tip in here to not be mounted when using the flight master, think that helps though I don’t think this issue is fixed. I did reset my UI/reinstall my addons again for patch on Wednesday. I believe it is an outstanding bug. Every day with an exception of today have been dc’ed at some point after flight path landing. Only behavior I have changed is trying to be sure to not be mounted when taking a flight path until there is a fix announced.