Getting disconnect after using a flight path

I only play DH right now so I didn’t get a chance to see the difference but yes on my DH I’m getting that constantly and I just confirmed that I got disconnected when flying into Stranglehorn (Eastern Kingdoms) so it’s not a Shadowlands area only issue.

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same issue. Very annoying. Plz fix it

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Same issue for me…and also on my DH.

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Same here…

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Same issue here. However, I only seem to have it on my Demon Hunter. Hasn’t happened to the Shaman.

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Yup something with Demon Hunters. I’ve got 11 alts I play, and it ONLY happens on my Demon Hunter. But it happens a lot on my DH.


So, just so Blizz and you guys know. IF you don’t move at all when you land, and mount your personal mount, it seems to stop it. For some odd reason it seems as if, the game thinks your still mounted.

I know if you move right after landing, you have tremendous speed for a sec. It’s weird.

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happening to me landing on almost every fp on my dh.

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only on DH as well

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I have the same problem. Only happens on my Demon Hunter.

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I also noticed that last part. Sometimes I’m able to move for a couple of seconds before I disconnect and my character is always moving really fast.


This happens on my DH as well, not my druid.

He is Kyrian, if that makes a difference. Something he has makes him faster after a flight point IIRC. Soulbind maybe?

The buff is Unburden

Unburden - Spell - World of Warcraft (

EDIT: It seems it’s not restricted to that Kyrian buff.

DH, I have this problem as well.

For me it seemed to be related to taking a flight while mounted. It has not happened (yet) since I started dismounting before taking a flight.

Happens to me as well. After landing, when I move I get an immediate disconnect.

After this happens I cannot reconnect to the world for a bit. Just get a ton of D/Cs.

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I tried this, and they are right, at least so far. If I dismount before clicking on a flight point, I don’t get DC’d when I land.

Same issue

I can also confirm that if I take a flight path dismounting I can avoid getting DCd everytime I land. Annoying bug but at least there’s a temp solution.

My DH having the same problem. Other classes appear to be ok. One thing to note is if your on a Traveler’s Tundra Mammoth when you click the portal you don’t seem to get DC’d when you land.

Hey all,

Just wanted to jump in here and confirm, yes this is a bug that our WoW team is investigating and working on. It seems to happen mostly with Demon Hunters but it can happen to other classes as well.

Hopefully we will see a hotfix for this relatively soon.

Dismounting before taking the flight path can help prevent it.