Getting Behavior Warnings for Mundane Conversation

This is where people go to get made fun of by CSRs right?

So I get mass reported on characters and as such now I use a alt account. Tonight I received a behavior warning for talking with people in trade about gearing and keys and then received another one for talking with people about having a crow as a pet.

At what point does this violate the ToS and is seen as abusing the report system? My last silence was because according to the CSR ‘I got reported too much.’. That was it. Not that it was against the ToS or that I was violating the community contract, rather that people didn’t like me. I can literally post the response I got here.

What is this? If there are no rules how do you actually adhere to them? Allegedly there is no such thing as mass reporting or that it’s actionable, yet here we are.


Warnings are just that unless ur silenced then thats a different matter but mass reports have never gaurenteed a actualy ban at most they will get ur a temp squelch till a GM takes a look.


Also, still don’t understand why people other then Greens or Blues can post in the CSR forums, besides the person opening the thread, since this is supposed to be a interaction with actual staff.

I’ve read all the threads on the topic matter, I know all the normal responses. It’s just an excuse to dogpile.


I believe the term you are looking for is “corrected” or “gently reminded.”

It doesn’t, because the warnings don’t generate anything that can be seen by a Game Master, let alone verified.

X to doubt, but also considering that behavior warnings pop up account-wide, no one can really know for sure what prompted it. Could pop up in Classic for something you said a short while before in Retail or vice versa.

The rules are the code of conduct and Social Contract that pops up from time to time.

There’s no such thing as action being taken from mass reporting. Mass reporting itself can only temporarily squelch an account for 24 hours, largely used to combat gold sellers or extreme social toxicity. It is not a silence or suspension until a game master reviews the reports and follows up with them.

The stickies at the top of the previous page outline that that is the purpose of this forum. It is not a direct contact point with staff. If you want that, you utilize the support site and interact solely via tickets.


I’d love to believe this, but there most definitely is a direct correlation between behavior warnings then silences. I’ve also seen people mention this in the past. My last silence being a direct result of exactly this. I shouldn’t even be getting behavior warning for my conversation.

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Lets put it this way would u like a silence/suspension instead because that will be the next step if u werent successful in ur last apeal.


And that’s an example of abuse of the report system I’m talking about. You’re threatening actioning with me because you don’t like interacting with me…

So here is my last silence.

Hello, I just had my account silenced again, no behavior warnings, nothing just straight to being silenced.

Account XXXX


I used no crass language, followed the ToS, didn’t say anything super offensive, and was in a argument with someone who was advocating for me being silenced because they didn’t like me. Is this just a popularity contest?

I’m not sure exactly how following the rules garners such treatment, yet here we are. The person in question is still playing the game and talking too. They’re currently laughing in trade about getting me banned/silenced.

So even when I follow the rules I’m still subject to being silenced? I thought Blizzard was supposed to be impartial in this.


Greetings XXX,

Your account has been reported by several players for chats and actions not in line with the spirit of the game and our Terms of Service and the silence system has been put in place to give community the power of keeping a safe and fun environment on his own.

In this case, the current silence is the result of several dozen of chat reports
Needless to say, this chat is not tolerated in our games, therefore the silence will not be removed.

Something is not right according to the Community so I suggest to review the behavior in order to avoid further silences and suspensions.

I hope this will be helpful to avoid further penalties in the future.

Blizzard Entertainment

So if you’re looking for cases of mass reporting working, you have one. Unfortunately this thread will probably get deleted, but I’m sure I’m not the only one that’s seeing how draconian things are becoming in this game.

I have a really long running account and am quite aware of the ToS and most definitely try to follow it, but I’ve been reduced to using an alt account out of fear of haters. The ToS and community contract are supposed to be there to protect people, not be used as a weapon for those that hate others.

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A behaviour warning is just that a warning to be careful what you’re saying in chat as you are possibly going into grey areas that are considered inappropriate for chat channels. If when a GM looks at the chat and finds nothing wrong then nothing will happen and no mention of it will be on your account.


So to break this down, this is how it works from what I’ve seen here.

A Behavior Warning (the in game pop up) happens when enough people report your in game chat. I think it is like 5 unique accounts. No one can see what the warrning was for, not even GMs. It’s just a heads up, you’ve been reported a number of times, maybe think about what you are typing.

These reports, the ones that lead to the warning, can coalesque into a ticket for chat violation. A GM reviews the ticket. If the chat is in violation of their rules, your account gets actioned. Penalties are currently based on number of similar infractions. Starts at 1 week silence and then 1 week suspension, doubling till account closure, which we’ve some of.

The silence you got in your last action was from a number of reports, which the email mentions. In at least one of those reports it was determined you violated the chat rules. And you got a week 1 silence for your first offense.

Stop violating the chat rules and all the reports in the game will lead to nothing, because you have done nothing wrong.

Good luck moving forwward!


You understand it’s just ‘number of reports’, right?

I asked for clarification and they couldn’t provide any. That was it. It was just number of reports. ‘Spirit of the game’ is not a rule, that’s the catchall they use when they just apply an action to someone for no other reason other then ‘cause’.

Also once again fully aware of how suspensions works and how they stack… that’s also part of the problem. You can get DUIs on your license in real life and still get them back over time. Actions stack till you get banned, in a 20 year old game.

I’m here because usually a CSR chimes in to throw a sick burn at the person posting and I’m waiting for that.

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It’s understood that that’s the only thing you’re taking away from it and focusing on to downplay the larger issue:

They were very clear that it was the words you used that was reported, and while yes they did put some emphasis on the number of reports, they did not hide what it was actually about.


I was not threatening you i dont know or could care at all but those warning could turn into a account action that will be more sever then ur first one.


Ah yes but you can loose your license and more with DUI and if you do that enough and have an accident also you can and will loose your license in Australia in some cases forever.


The Blue response can happen in the morning when they get into the office, though sometimes Vrak is a glutton and checks things too late…except tomorrow is Thanksgiving, so you may have to wait until Monday, given the holiday season and all.

The Blue will likely repeat what you’ve been already told and they may give you an idea of what to specifically avoid doing in chat moving forward.


Yup, that’s what we’re here to discuss and why it’s happening in the first place, and perhaps get things changed.

Yup, probably part of the reason I’m receiving behavior warnings in general is because of weekend/off time staff who aren’t really enjoying being in on the holiday. It seems every single one of my actions has been on the weekend as well, friday nights. Not sure if there is a different crew there late night or on the weekend, but it sure feels that way.

Normally I wait to open tickets till after the weekend because you get a different batch of people who clearly care more then closing a ticket as resolved, probably to meet a quota. However this is a long holiday and this will lose it’s meaning if I waited till next monday.

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Yes, because they are both usually the result of the same thing.

People misbehave → get warned, then actioned.

So it makes sense that B and C are related, when A implies both B and C.


Yup, so it’s pertinent to not ignore them, and pretend they don’t exist when you’re getting them over talking about crows as pets and running keys and gearing in them.

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Don’t lawyer this, you should just be awaiting your ticket response and nothing more. Coming here demanding stuff to be done is going to get you nowhere. If you would like to make a suggestion then I’m sure you’re aware of how to post one in the correct area.


Mkay, so the whole mass reporting hysteria is vastly overplayed at this point. It has been debunked hundreds of times at this point that it doesn’t matter if it is one report or several that did it. It doesn’t matter. If the report is reviewed and shown to be against the ToS, then it is going to get actioned. You signed the ToS to even play the game, so you are bound to it like everyone else. If someone in the area didn’t like what you were saying, they are allowed to report it as they see fit. If it is shown that said conversation was against the ToS, you will be actioned.

In other words, follow the rules you sign, or get actioned.


Delgan is correct. The Behavior Warnings are nothing anyone can help you with. If you do get an action, your option is to appeal.

Even if a Blue repsonds, the only thing they can tell you is perhaps what to avoid based on your past action, which was the silence. No one can see what the Behavior Warnings are for.

If you were just talking about cows and keys, you are almost certainly fine. Enjoy the holidays.