And that’s an example of abuse of the report system I’m talking about. You’re threatening actioning with me because you don’t like interacting with me…
So here is my last silence.
Hello, I just had my account silenced again, no behavior warnings, nothing just straight to being silenced.
Account XXXX
I used no crass language, followed the ToS, didn’t say anything super offensive, and was in a argument with someone who was advocating for me being silenced because they didn’t like me. Is this just a popularity contest?
I’m not sure exactly how following the rules garners such treatment, yet here we are. The person in question is still playing the game and talking too. They’re currently laughing in trade about getting me banned/silenced.
So even when I follow the rules I’m still subject to being silenced? I thought Blizzard was supposed to be impartial in this.
Greetings XXX,
Your account has been reported by several players for chats and actions not in line with the spirit of the game and our Terms of Service and the silence system has been put in place to give community the power of keeping a safe and fun environment on his own.
In this case, the current silence is the result of several dozen of chat reports
Needless to say, this chat is not tolerated in our games, therefore the silence will not be removed.
Something is not right according to the Community so I suggest to review the behavior in order to avoid further silences and suspensions.
I hope this will be helpful to avoid further penalties in the future.
Blizzard Entertainment
So if you’re looking for cases of mass reporting working, you have one. Unfortunately this thread will probably get deleted, but I’m sure I’m not the only one that’s seeing how draconian things are becoming in this game.
I have a really long running account and am quite aware of the ToS and most definitely try to follow it, but I’ve been reduced to using an alt account out of fear of haters. The ToS and community contract are supposed to be there to protect people, not be used as a weapon for those that hate others.