I have a guildie that is getting sent to the Korean site for battlenet. When he enters in his password it is told it is incorrect. He can not seem to log onto the one for America. What can I tell him as I know I can not make a ticket for him.
If a blizzard employee can check it out his account is on Faerlina and the character name is Slowdown.
it doesn’t work that way unfortunately. Is your friend using a VPN to connect? He need to see what nationality is chosen in his Account Management.
Is he getting sent to the Korean website or is the page just translating everything into Korean?
Advise him to check the bottom of any Blizzard webpage and click the globe directly above the Blizzard logo. He can choose his region and language there, they might have been changed.
I was going to suggest the same thing as Ekon. Here’s what it should look like:

The site generally directs you based on your location. So if they are directed to the Korean site, they are likely in/around Korea (or using a VPN that mimics that location).
They should generally be able to change the country/language code in the URL manually and as noted, change the region/language as Perl demonstrated.
Hi Vrakthris. Can you please raise this as a larger problem? I’ve also been experiencing this same issue where I’m constantly redirected to the kr.battle.net site even though I’m located in Australia. I’ve set the region at the bottom of the page to “English (US)” and I’ll start on the US site, but during a process like logging in or resetting a password, the redirect kicks in and the page will fail to load. It’s been like this for many months and has been ignored. It’s a TERRIBLE user experience and needs reviewing. Resetting my password took me a solid 30 minutes because of this issue. It should have taken no more than 5 (even with that mouse and cheese thing). Please raise a dev ticket to get this fixed! It’s the most frustrating thing!
That’s not how it works, if you think something is bugged with the website, make a post on Website Bug Reports. Also be aware of the thread’s age when making a post.
Ps. Please start a new thread instead of being a necromancy representative. We tend to send them to Diablo.
Does it really matter if I raise a new post or necro an old one? There’s dozens of these and they all get ignored. I have raised a website bug ticket and had no response for weeks.
In Customer Support it does. The older thread’s issue may have been resolved months/years ago. Although your issue might look the same it might have a different cause.
Most times you won’t get a response. You usually only get a response if they need more information or they want players to keep a certain topic to a single thread. Bug reporting is a one-way process.
This. There’s a reason it’s not called the Bug Discussion forum.