Get Your Trading Post Items for February!

My partner completed the touring the trading post quest, received 0 coins, when clicks on the chest nothing happens and it just opens and closes and is currently at 0 coins, has someone got a fix to this or has blizz mentioned anything about this happening? it worked fine for me.

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after all that maintance time and the thing still doesnt work . :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

There’s others who reported the issue on the Bug Forums. Your partner could put in a ticket but there’s no telling how long they’d have to wait for a response or how long they’d have to wait for some patch to fix the issue.

thye have already but currently a 24+ hour wait time x.x hopefully they post about it so we know whats going on soon

I guess if I had to write code all day for 2 years for a old game, I’d prolly would make the most painful grindy content.

Hope its a swift solution/short maintenance patch to fix whatever the previous patch broke.

…Only to have something else break. :expressionless:

It’s new to people who don’t already have it!

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A visual guide, until the madness dies down…



Why do you guys keep giving away things that we’ve had to pay cash for, and spend hours and hours to farm for? Very disappointed in your complete disregard for your player base.

It would be a better thing if more interesting options were available.

There’s already a player riding the new cat mount on my server, If they can get it in one day…I’ll manage in five since I don’t PVP. (Which seemed to give the greatest amount of points.)

This right here. Blizzard knows this crap happens and even when you show them a screenshot they don’t fix it.

Conclusion? Blizzard loves when players cannot access NPC’s and items in game due to others.

Uh Blizz, a Bandoleer goes ACROSS THE CHEST. NOT ON YOUR BACK…/facepalm.


Uh huh. We’ll see.

Absolutely insane that Blizz allows mounts here, or around the tuskarr soup.

Not even a pet to be seen, since Blizz broke auto pet resummoning after flying a long time back and never fixed it, and even flying pets now despawn after dragonriding. RIP mini pets.

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So this is basically for roleplayers?

This is painfully grindful? Lmao I hope you didn’t play in wotlk.

Oh. Um yay?

Anyways, what real gamers want…

It also makes it so that any back-slung weapons go invisible when not in use when you have it on.

Pass for now.

Maybe I’ll get the flail when things are stable and normal… looks like too many bugs.

Also, bandoliers go across the chest… not the back.