Get Your Trading Post Items for February!

So… Did the quest, cannot loot the tender from the chest, Zero balance showing. No other character of mine can loot it either to get the initial amount. All addons turned off.

The sparkle pony that was believed to be one and done way back when it launched. It is an omen of what is to come with the trading post (i.e. more store stuff).

I am well aware of how it works. It will probably come “naturally” to folks.

Not sure I needed the handholding or checklist. That just goes back to the “forced” mentality.

You didn’t “have to do” choreghast. It is a game. You aren’t “forced” to do anything.

So stop with that non-sensical argument.

The difference is - we went from “doing those things” to “having to do those things”. Even the perception of feeling forced just makes the whole thing feel worse.

It writes itself

I was excited, then I logged on and seen the rewards. just a bunch of ugly crap with no effort put in, Even for free I’m not planning to buy anything!


Well shills will be shills - so no shock there.

well you can save the tokens
that is what i am doing

True, but I would assume being a new feature they would put in good rewards the first month atleast. if this is what we get for the “grand opening” dont even want to think what we will get later.

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You have 27 days to do like 5 activities in the dozens listed.

You don’t have to do anything, you’ll probably get 1000 points just playing normally.


Don’t bother lol he clearly didn’t read the post. Back to the mogstation for him

It’s a bit depressing. Too many people who sound like grumps. :crazy_face:


Why is this set up per Battlenet account? Me and my wife have played on the same Bnet since I introduced her to the game years ago. I understand that they are trying to keep down on those folks who have a ton of accounts but this punishes those who do not. For a few cosmetics and mount, come on Blizzard!

Uhh… yeah dude you should get that resolved. And not say that stuff here.

Because the rewards are account wide anyway.

I understand that but the currency is shared too. This is the first currency that I have seen like this.

Yeah, so people don’t just farm the currency on multiple alts to buy more items.

Does anyone happen to know if the monthly progress is account wide?

…Like, if there’s some things I already did on my main for the week, can I hop over to an alt?

Oh, fantastic, the answer is right above me.

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Blizzard actually put our accounts on the same Bnet account a long time ago. Yes we did that as a couple and they had no issues with what we were doing.

One of the dumbest ideas ever.

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…woo :expressionless:

Did anybody have there tender just go to zero for no reason lol huh?