Get Your Trading Post Items for February!

Im not trolling. Just telling the truth. Its not all about “you”. Many were and are excited for this. You dont like it? Then toddle off and ignore it. Its not for you.

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Sure it is, I don’t pay for the game to get no options out of the new content, regardless if takes little to no work or not. Your telling me you’re happy with one color option for the transmogs?

Please fix the cache, can’t loot the tender from it no matter what I do. Everytime I click on it to try to loot it, nothing happens.


When Blizzard wins they actually lose. The Trading Post is no doubt a great idea. There needs to be more content like this and solo (small groups of friends) than degenerate min/max parser content.
You know like many other MMOs.
Trading Post was a step in the right direction. But locking it behind Mythic+ is stupid. You have tried to force people into doing Mythic+ for years it has become a pillar of the game.
Look how bad the community is due to this fact - it needs to be taken out of the game as is.
It is disgusting any amount of currency for Trading Post is too much. Mythic+ isn’t approachable to casual players. By that I mean not casual Mythic+ players.
I mean players new to Mythic+ completely. 95% of the time people won’t do it. There is too much going on, it is annoying, and someone who focuses on achieving things in real life.
You know like working out, having a great career, a few vehicles, taking care of a family, and my wife. I don’t get my validation from inside a game like many in the retail community do.
I feel sorry for people that need a game’s achievements to validate something in their life. But don’t make others suffer for it. A game isn’t real folks. The challenges here don’t matter. Leveling up in real life does.
The community in retail has turned people into numbers and things to get them gear. Not players.
Get rid of currency tied to mythic+.
I get the argument you can just elect not to do it, but missing out on the currency will hurt long term.
You won’t be able to get that Pet, Mount, or Transmog you want because it will be time-gated.
Keep this casual. There is enough hardcore stuff in the game.


Just when you thought your WoW chores were finally over.

womp womp.

At least it isn’t character power related anymore. Yay?

People are going to crowd the cache…

Anywhere they put it, that’s where the crowd will be. Wait 2 days and it’ll be deserted.

What chores ?

You can get progress from anything, just play the game, you’ll finish in 27 days easy.

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Careful, your insecurity is showing.


You can tell who actually plays the game based off their response to this lol. A lot of people thinking you NEED to raid or do mythic plus content day in and day out when you can get 1000 tokens by doing trivial things almost everyone does. I never really understand it, free things that are cosmetic and people still complain. I wonder if they will be more happy paying $15.99 for a cosmetic or old world mount on one of FF’s 30 pages of items on the mogstation.


Nothing in there worth it all, annoying maintenance for garbage.


It only took an extra 6 or 7 hours!

How is this locked behind Mythic+? Mythic + is an option to get points, and mythic+ has a large amount of people that do it regularly. Every MMO needs an endgame, and if you take that out you just have raiding and PvP. Players will be elitists in any form of end game content, you ever do savage raids?


Bought the corsage. Found out it doesnt show if you wear gloves. :frowning:

i got mine done within 1-2 hrs
no mythics i did
just the feast hunts fishing and other easy task


don’t say that too loud, the people who never touched an expansion for two years will say you are wrong and you need to raid and do mythic plus every day


o sorry lol
ignore what i sad lol


Nice feature, except I feel like I should have more currency. I have two accounts, bought Dragonflight twice, pay two subs…

You are right.

The difference is - we went from “doing those things” to “having to do those things”. Even the perception of feeling forced just makes the whole thing feel worse.

Remember Choreghast? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

So YMMV. This whole “system” felt unnecessary. Just more double dipping.

Let’s be real, how many of you don’t see Traders Tokens showing up on the in-game store at some point? I mean the Sparkle Pony alone should be an omen of what is to come here.

i dont see the tokens being on the store due to they have no cap to them

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What sparkling pony? The celestial steed that they put up for tokens that’s in the in game shop? That’s a good thing if that is what you are referring to lol it means you can buy those mounts with something other than money.

If you have the perception of “feeling forced” to do these things then you aren’t reading very well. You can easily hit max by doing regular stuff, like someone else pointed out already. Just because there’s an option to get a reward for doing something doesn’t mean I’m forced to do it. There’s tons of PvP mounts and titles, and I don’t feel forced to get them.

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i had 500-600 points for this thing

and now it fing reset on me? blizz wtf man

edit: the adventure one shift+j