Get the Wrath Classic WoW Token

You’re not wrong. There’s a huge question on everyone’s mind though (both players and Blizzard) - what the heck comes next that won’t implode the game like last time? I still giggle at the irony of Cataclysm causing a catastrophic drop in subs though.

All of the developers should be ashamed with the trash they put out


I am shocked. Shocked, I say!

Can’t wait to see how long until they lock or move this thread back into retail general chat…again.

Take feedback you cowards. OSRS is going to outlive you anyway.


Great change !!! I’m glad this was added. Thank you !!!

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Not in the spirit of ‘classic’. Don’t like this change. Betrayal.


This is just a complete mask-off moment for Blizzard, proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that they do not care at all about Classic.


I feel like this was the biggest issue, and yes, DPS and healers alike did camp org and just sit around in ques all day.

I used to do this myself in wrath when It was current. It will defitely have alot of folks who just don’t get into the world to. Just like there are people who don’t boost, there will also be people still leveling and world exp to. But I think we should be forcing folks out into the world.

But the same thing can be said about the tokens. I, for one, will refuse to use them. Just like I refuse to buy gold. We shouldn’t really be encouraging players to be buying gold straight from blizzard with real money either.

And I feel like people who cheat and bot, and buy gold from gold sellers, should be actioned straight up. That is one of the issues. IS nothing gets enforced anymore. People in power don’t even follow their own rules either. And no one in power can keep up with the commoner’s anymore.

At this rate, I honestly do not care. I just see being able to farm exp without even leaving thunderbluff, as a bad thing overall, and a bad side effect of the dungeon finder.

I don’t mind the group process being done for me. That I don’t care about. But I do feel like the dungeon finder we will see less people actually out questing and all that. You will still see people, but I do feel like it will take alot of folks away all the same. Because sitting in org all day, would be more efficient. You don’t have to worry about dying, or anything like that.

We’re not seething. Most of us are laughing as those against rdf seethe. It just proves we were right when we claimed the pillars of classic was just bs blizzard propaganda. I’m hoping they add unlimited boosts next.


Aaaanndd you lose my sub now, I don’t get it we asked for classic because it had no boosts and no tokens and we didn’t even finish wrath before you added those things. I was only subbed to play classic van-wotlk and I’m just straight up unsubbing. I’m truly so sad and disappointed.




I’m not shocked at the token’s introduction at all. I am a little surprised that Wowhead released the news before Blizzard, and that they thought the best note to include was that it could be used to pay for game time. They completely missed the mark here, but I’m not surprised about the token coming to Classic.

Bots have been rampant since Classic launched almost four years ago. People have been buying gold almost as long as Classic has been up and running. It wasn’t as prevalent as it is today, but it was common enough. We’ve sat through two major editions of the game and are rounding the corner on its third.

We all know GDKP is commonplace, and we know where that gold comes from. People aren’t making their fortunes on the AH to turn around and spend tens (or hundreds) of thousands in GDKP every week. They’re paying third parties for gold, and a whole bunch of that comes from bots. Some of it even finds its way back to the third parties so that people can boost alts and then buy gold for those to spend on gear.

Blizzard has completely failed to address bots and the third party market for gold. You all can get angry about the WoW token coming in to ruin the Classic experience if you want, but the damage is already done. The economy is sufficiently inflated to the point where playing the game without buying gold barely covers the cost of repairs and consumables.

Whether you’re angry or not, just remember that the token doesn’t create gold. It’s an exchange, where Supply and Demand dictate the value of the token going forward. Bots aren’t out there automating the gold farm to power tokens. Someone pays $20 for a token, someone else pays existing gold in exchange for either balance or game time. The only thing the token does is provide a means for shifting gold around without turning to third-party bots.

Yes, it’s a Retail mechanic. Yes, it wasn’t introduced until WoD. And if you want to get angry about the purity of Classic, you do you. I haven’t bought gold, and I don’t intend to buy tokens. I’m just hopeful that this will put a brake on bots.


Person A buys a token from the store, blizzard gets $20. Then person A lists it on the auction house and waits for someone to buy it. Once someone buys it, they get their gold. Person A does not get their gold instantly.

Blizzard sets the initial price (10k for classic, 30k when it came out in WoD). If the tokens are taking a long time to sell, blizzard lowers the gold price of the token. If not enough tokens are listed on the AH, the price moves up.

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Isn’t era dead according to the forums? You guys are the smallest slice of the pie and you think your say is the biggest lol. Yeah sounding silly straight outta the horses mouth. Lol go pretend some more.

Idiots, doing idiot things.
That’s fine, I can just use my gold to buy time and cancel my sub to ride out wrath till the end since you clearly don’t care what the player base wants
(The real player base, not your shills and trolls)
Glad to see you don’t learn from your mistakes Blizz, at least that’s the one thing that’ll always be “No changes.”


In before Misanthra.

Spoiler alert: It doesn’t. Retail is still overrun with bots despite having token for like 7 years now.


I feel like classic cataclysm will be fine, as long as permanent wrath servers are added to.

Although I do want to play classic cataclysm on a goblin frost mage. That is all though.

But Hopefully I can still access classic wrath servers.

You will hve to wait for my amazon japan order to come in.

I didn’t see this coming…so wait a day. they ship fast lol.

shame I didn’t see this before I left for work. I need a token so I can finally try out dual spec and get artisan flying for the hunter alt who may be a main.

reduced game time has me live paycheck to paycheck as it were. My token gold would go to NPC buys. that’s it. No raid slot would be bought. Since I know I suck at raid anyway, just being honest there lol.

Jsut artisan flying, dual spec, and couple hundred gold in SV skill upgrades I never got around to buying since I never actually tried SV spec in classic yet.


I don’t know anyone at gold cap.