Get the Wrath Classic WoW Token

You clowns are so tone deaf it hurts.


Well, atleast one positive comes from the decision

Nobody wanted this. This is terrible.

This is like Bud Light with their Dylvan Mulvaney ad; you’re going to lose a lot of players and subscribers.


Come on lol we all know most of you already have a token or two on the AH and are waiting for that gold :speak_no_evil:

It doesn’t, not having it removes some dungeons from the list, people wont spent 1 hour + forming a group for Maraudon while leveling in Un’goro or Tanaris, its just not worth the time. Lots of people will be doing their quests and exploring while in queue for dungeon finder, you do the dungeon and then you go back to questing. Having RDF won’t allow the majority of people to sit in Orgrimmar just spamming dungeons all day, only tanks will be able to do that.

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The amount of passion that Bud Light boycotters have in their protest of Bud Light’s decision is much more than the temporary rage quitters of an online game.

BLIZZARD: You truly have no shame.

This is despicable. Greed is the worst aspect of humanity and you have it in spades. I have an active sub to wow only for classic wow and it hurts my soul to even pay for that. I am going to cancel my sub right now.


Lot of people that came back for classic had already left retail. Way easy for them to quit when the next content will be toc during the summer.

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It’s cheaper and more profitable for Bobby to add a WoW Token rather than having an active team banning bots and gold sellers. They’ll probably do a massive bot ban wave to remove some gold from the game to force people to buy the wow token instead of going to the wholesome websites.

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Will you please Sub contract wow out to someone who auctally cares about this game? you dont in fact this is insulting


LOL, this is just great. Lvl 70 unrestricted boosts incoming next


Ouch man. Every post you make is exactly like your reply here. Why do you have your forum user profile hidden?

Make it lvl 80

Why cant you just not suck… Man it was going so well


:cow2: :baby_bottle: :moneybag: :clown_face:

10 char


What was going so well? Wotlk? Boy…

Original WotLK: RDF, no tokens.
Classic WotLK: Tokens, no RDF.

Freakin’ terrible.


“We surrender in the war against gold farming”


I will be honest, I would rather live in this world, than the alternative. And that is just, only having retail. That would be even worse.

At least I can log into wrath classic. I mean, it has wow tokens and lvl boosts, but at least it exists.


For your “classic wrath” list I’d change it to:
Classic WotLK: Tokens, no RDF, H+,new LFG tool.

I think those additions paint an even better picture of the “reforged” wrath we got in comparison. Addition of systems that the game did not need and the ignoring of systems that overall were successful in supporting the player and respecting their time investment.

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