Get the Wrath Classic WoW Token

This is true, everyone know Classic saga is over after WOTLK, and its already halfway there.


Oh you’re one of those people. You or your opinion are irrelevant.

Those of us that left the game long ago because we did not like the direction the game was going, including token will leave. I played pservers for close to a decade and we still play together. I can assure you that IF token comes to era or the upcoming seasons we will just leave

It is obvious you don’t know much about the community that pushed for Classic, if you did you would understand how silly you sound.


oh man! this must have been a tough post to make, huh blizz?

it’s okay, we know it’s all the executives and bobby’s fault!!!

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I don’t know how anyone did not see the paid level boosts and stuff like that during bc classic announcement, as a sign/signal of the terrible changes to come towards wow classic.

Me personally, I am not a fan of this change either. But good lord some of the people are entitled and just straight up slaves to this company at this point.

I will tell you, like, If I didn’t like a change being made to a game really badly, I would just straight up quit, and never come back. I wouldn’t announce it either.

I mean, these are the changes blizzard is making. Don’t buy into wow anymore. Is it sad that blizzard has stooped this low. Absolutely. But there isn’t anything we can really do. This is how blizzard makes money now. By cheating and taking advantage of people.

As far as both retail and the classic wow brand goes, I play the same way. I am probably the slowest person in both versions of the game. Mainly because I don’t see the point in burning myself out in 10 seconds. People play video games to fast now.

Wrath classic at least exists. I think the straw that will really break the camels back for me, is if they get rid of classic wrath servers entirely once classic cata hits. That will be frustrating. But I am hoping I am wrong and that they keep permanent wrath classic servers up.


It actually did start in the Wrath Classic forums, then they moved it to General Discussion about 200 replies in (I may or may not have been keeping up on this since they posted it).

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I’m glad I’m not invested in Classic, otherwise I’d probably be fairly miffed.

This thread was originally posted on the WotLK Classic Community forum.

2 hours after this thread was originally posted, on the WotLK Classic Community forum, the thread was moved to here, it’s current location, the General Discussion forum. For seemingly no reason at all.

The OP has been edited 4 times in addition to the original post movement.

They might gross more money that way, but that requires more resources, leading to smaller net profits.

Or the person pushing the decision is only looking for the quick buck leading to short term gains before they run off to some other corp.

IASIP said it best:

“Give me money. Money me. Money now. Me a money needing a lot now.”

Cool, now that we got rid of all these “Classic experience” BS can we finally get RDF and Cross-realm like in retail?


Not enough traffic in the classic arena, or they wanted to make sure everybody was aware of the changes, perhaps? Everybody who plays classic knew instantly.

I might actually go play this now that I can get the gold to afford a flying mount

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And shadowmourne quest requirements on the shop.

I just wish blizzard would bring the old classic 1-60 overworld to chromie time in retail. That way, on my demon hunter, I can run through the old deadmines and shadowfang keep and barrens again. That would be cool.

I just always felt like the dungeon finder should have required you to get to the instance on foot once the group was formed. It just seems to remove the world entirely, and makes no sense to teleport randomly to the dungeon with no effort.

I honestly do not care if they add it in though.

My guess to try, and curb the gold sellers that plague wrath classic.

I personally am going to just get that cool flyer from honest max in storm peaks. I still do this in retail to. He gives you a borrowed flyer lol. Although it doesn’t really work in retail, and can’t fly for some reason.

Just kind of cool to have that thing in my inventory.

I mean, am I the only one who does this. I think I am.

I honestly just refuse to give in to wow tokens. I earn my own gold through my own in game experiences.


So… was I right? LMK Blizz


Kind of odd this started on the Wrath Classic forums, got moved to GD, and is now back on Wrath Classic.

So far, in response to the question, “How does the WoW token affect you?” you have freaked out that the question was asked and replied to a comment specifically reading “read: do not reply to this post only contesting whether you are actively playing World of Warcraft: Classic” with a screenshot of an achievement for completing Ulduar once.

I’m now wondering how Blizzard selects people to be on the Community Council. Can’t be the ~30 arena games played per season, obviously isn’t a check on active PvE participation, and now we’ve confirmed there was no test for reading comprehension. Maybe they selected the least coherent players possible to provide visible feedback? When you can’t construct an argument better than this venting thread complete with a tengu emoji, it reinforces the notion that Blizzard may know what’s going on.

It takes a special kind of person to lobby against Blizzard’s direction for World of Warcraft (lol) and expose yourself as incoherent. Not many can do that.