Fan theory: Blizzard's indifference is manufactured

If we let bots and gold buying destroy the game, we can change hearts and minds about having a wow token in the game.

Here comes Blizzard to save us from themselves…


They profit off the bots then they’ll claim they’re saving us with the token, while still profiting off the bots who they still won’t ban after they introduce a token.


Hot take. Pretty funny one too. I wouldn’t put it past Blizzard tbh.

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Admittedly… but the indifference is hilariously confusing

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What about mount trading cards selling for 10k USD on ebay etc

Wow token is worthless at this point. For them to be competitive they would need to sell a $20 coin for 10k gold. Botted gold is so absurdly cheap and undetected people won’t bother buying the legit crap

Blizzard cant do no good bro its the reason they arent fixing anything. The minute they do the other half of the player base gets angry. They cant win. Just look at rdf and how many are mad its not in the game. Now wait till its released, the other half is now mad.

Removing the bots is customer service

Blizzard would never spend a dime on customer service


Its obvious thats what they want. They cant stand that we dont want that cancer in classic so thats why they are pulling this crap now


Nah not really. Black market gold is still cheaper than token on retail but the majority of people would much rather pay slightly more to do it legitimately.

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Source? Lol

“Most people”

Uhhh yeah I mean retail illegal gold is 1/2 the price. If you buy a token you’re a sucker.

How is this game destroyed exactly?

I don’t think anyone would be sad that bots are gone or at least at a manageable level. Bots have simply never been this bold, you can get in a bg with 6 bots and win because the other team has 9.

Token does not get rid of bots. Retail is still flooded with bots despite token being available for what, 8 years now?

All token does is force botters to sell at a lower price, that’s it.

I just did an AV. Almost the entire field was DKs! Bots are out of control. I was probably the only human DK

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Well, let me tell you, the issue with the bots in WoW is not the developer’s fault, but rather a problem with the way players are approaching the game. You see, players are not using the right strategies to combat the bots, and that’s why they’re so prevalent in the game. In fact, I would argue that the bots are actually good for the game’s economy, as they provide a valuable service to players who don’t have the time or inclination to grind for gold or resources. And let’s not forget that the developers are doing everything they can to get rid of the bots, but the problem is just too big for them to handle alone. That’s why they rely on the community to report any suspicious activity, and they do their best to investigate and take action against those who break the rules. So really, it’s up to the players to do their part and help keep the game free of bots.

Bobby K alt detected.


The token would be blizzards answer for the bots, and despite what people are saying in this thread, did stop a good amount of bots in retail. The botting you see in retail isnt even gold selling.

So yeah players gonna be mad

It is the developers job to combat the bots. Not the players. We pay them to play their game. They do not employ us to ban their bots for us. Yet many players, including myself still do report bots. And blizzard very rarely bans them.

The token isnt the answer. Blizzard actually banning bots is the answer. Why should they profit even more off Botting by charging the playerbase for in game gold? They’re already profitting by the boys sub fees and cutting costs by doing the bare minimum to stop Botting. Maybe they could put some of the millions they’ve made from bot accounts back into some anti cheat systems or to paying someone minimum wage to go around banning bots. That would be the way to stop Botting. Not just charging the players money so they can sell their own gold.