Get the Wrath Classic WoW Token

Lol conveniently on a lowbie alt why would you guys have left wow after that when there is more rods to come please just stop pretending we all know better

Spoiler - Blizzard is a business and only care about money, this isn’t new and Classic wasn’t made out of the kindness in their heart, it was made to make money. If you are just now learning this, I’m not sure what to tell you…

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Maybe when ICC comes out, like it was in the original run of WotLK

We literally all knew this. Weve known this since the second the TBC dark portal pass started.

If youre still crying here 3 years later about in game transactions, you need to seriously evaluate whats going on. Money is always front and center. ALWAYS.

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I’ve known this since Activision bought them.
Being a business doesn’t mean it automatically goes for the most greedy profitable things there is. Plenty of companies out there that actually care about the games they create.


This is the single greatest thing they could do to drive people back to private servers, lol.

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LOL, this is what happens when you don’t reset an economy every expansion, and have bots and gdkp run wild. This community has nothing to blame but itself.

Not sure what you are implying but I can assure you that if tokens come to era or Seasons the “other” community, you know the one that got Classic as a project to start with, will just go back to where they came from and Blizz will have lost those subs.

It has always been like this, even before Activision bought them. Again, this is nothing new.

Money is all that matters.

Here is the answer. It doesnt.

People bought gold before the token. People are buying gold with the token.

If anything the token HELPS the situation because Blizzard “legit” gold is just traded gold whereas the illegal gold is stolen or farmed by bots.

The token in theory will decrease prices of goods over time. Unlike botted gold which exponentially increases it.

I guess Bobby didn’t like the profit margins.

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After buying a token from the auction house, it doesn’t appear to let us redeem tokens for bnet balance or to re-sell them on the auction house. Is this intended?


The best part about wow tokens in wrath is the pro rdf players seething rn.

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Bruh, you lot are tone deaf as hell.

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I am pro RDF and got over that seethe pretty quick. More so enjoying watching the game devolve and seeing all the reasons why people wanted classic to get away from being ported over.

But I guess to some (not alluding to you) can be happy that at least it isn’t RDF “ruining the integrity” of classic. lmao, “integrity”.

Also unrelated to my reply, they moved the topic out of the classic forums. I repeat my previous statement, unabashed cowardice.


Blizzard Execs trying to figure out how to boost sales…

Can I spend money to transfer my toons from classic clones/SoM to play on endless era realms? No sorry we deleted those and dont want your money.

Here buy a WoW token on WotLK.


If the tokens don’t create gold, then how did they start so high? I’m reading that the gold that redeeming a token is worth depends on how many people have spent gold for play time, but then why did the token start off worth 10k gold this morning before anyone had paid into the pool?

My question was, “How does the token affect you?” People buy the token with USD, sell it on the AH for gold, and then use that gold in GDKPs, but I don’t understand how this affects you.

First, how does the WoW token change the rate at which each other player obtains gear?
Each raid instance drops a finite number of items and “unlocks” to drop those items again each week. So 25 players that you don’t know or are even aware of complete Ulduar, and Flare of the Heavens drops. Someone buys it for 100k gold, which they obtained through WoW tokens. Let’s say, though, that in your alternative world they are unable to get this gold from WoW tokens. This simply translates to someone else in the raid buying it for 1k gold that they farmed from daily quests. Or, that GDKPs are abolished in your alternative world; the same 25 players produce the same finite number of items from each raid instance, and distribute them via SR, free rolls, DKP, loot council, or whatever else have you. A finite number of raid items are created and distributed to the community each week, regardless.

Second, how is the WoW token functionally different from the same players obtaining the gold from mostly the same measures by typing similar search parameters into google? The WoW token funnels the USD to Blizzard instead of the gold sellers, but I don’t think you are lobbying for Malaysian laborers (if I am mistaken, I will concede that the WoW token materially damages them).

Third and this is the original question I posed, how does this affect you at all? The thousands of players clearing Ulduar each week are entirely partitioned from you. Someone buys Flare for 100k that they bought with WoW tokens in a GDKP, or 1k that they farmed from daily quests, or from the roll they won on a free roll - how are you in any way affected by that?

Tangential to my point but not totally relevant (read: do not reply to this post only contesting whether you are actively playing World of Warcraft: Classic) is the fact that as far as online records will inform us, you have never stepped into Ulduar. In fact, you have sparingly completed any raids. I don’t understand why you concern yourself with other people doing Ulduar if it’s a part of the game that you don’t participate in to begin with.

Tell me again how this is classic and not just retail with a wrath coat of paint on top?