Get the Wrath Classic WoW Token

Thanks for ruining the WOTLK economy, blizzard. Everything has doubled or tripled in price lmao


tbc idc abt the token i’m just tired of the #1 thing ppl asked for is getting ignored and we have been beggin for so long. like come on man there is NO ONE to do dungeons with. JJ isn’t good enough bc it still takes hours to find a group. i want to play part of the game in a timely manner not wait 3 hrs for a damn group for dungeons.

rdf or merge all servers into the mega 3 so we can have ppl ffs

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What job title? KEKL

How does the WoW token affect you?

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Honestly when i saw this coming in the chinese servers, I thought that it would be coming soon in the US, EU and Asia servers but it was matter of when it will be coming, now its here.

Eventually this will make its way to Classic era… its a matter of time of when, y’all are free to refute this and say “Nuh uh! it wont happen!” well given you are playing a game under Activision Blizzard and no matter how hard you dislike WoW tokens (or any microtransaction), they are just going to implement it anyway regardless of your feelings.

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What an actual clown company. My gosh. You guys are done spineless board serving slaves that would sell your souls for money. Such a pathetic change nobody asked for. You really want classic to be just like retail as if you are oblivious to why we don’t play retail. You guys are so disconnected it’s not even funny. Thanks for making more unsub, idiots.


Such a shame. 11,000 gold for $20
Way more time/cost effective to buy gold than play the game.
Oh well, cya classic.


I bet $10 retail is getting a casino. That’s gonna be wild.

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20 bucks says you raid next week lol

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Yeah, I’m gonna raid next week. I unsubbed, but of course I’ll play out the duration of the sub.


right? this is just gold buying within TOS.


How does it not?
Are you seriously asking that question?


If they cared about money they wouldn’t be encouraging their players to unsubscribe. The reason is simply because their staff and management don’t understand what a good game is.


I can’t speak for everyone, but for me personally this changes nothing.

I only raid with my guild which does Loot Council for our loot. I do dailies every once in a while to get some gold. Between that, leveling characters, questing, and just passive gold from just playing, I’m sitting at around 6-7k gold between my characters. It’s not a lot, but it’s more then enough to pay for all enchants/gems I need for new gear I do get.

I have never ran a GDKP before so I’m not competing against people with hundreds of thousands of gold, and if someone in my guild goes and buys a lot of tokens, it doesn’t matter because that isn’t how we do loot.

Outside of my sub, I have spent 0 dollars on this game but because of my guild, I have at no point felt behind. My gear has always been up to date. Are there people out there that have spent tons of money on gold to buy full bis in a GDKP? Of course there is, but I don’t raid with them so I’m not affected.


I found the guy that works for Blizz!

This is the result of Blizz allowing retail players to have input on Classic projects.

Also, I’m glad our guild left Wrath after Yogg 0 and Alaglon were downed. If this nonsense comes to era or the Season I suppose its time to find “another option” that is launching fresh.



Disgraceful. Really depressing how low a once-great company like Blizzard has gone.


Imagine not having an answer to a perfectly legit question that you go on the offensive and attack someone asking a question? LOL

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It’s not a legit question, he already knows the answer and so do you.

It’s P2W, it’s against the so-called pillars of Classic, they never asked the players and just dropped it out of the blue like they always do.

The fact is, Blizzard is just proving once again that they do not care about Classic as a game and it’s only a money cash flow for them.


It’s forever in his heart

But people are already paying to win… so again… you are dodging the question.

How does the addition of a coin allowing people to buy gold, in a system in which a significant portion of the playerbase is ALREADY BUYING GOLD, impact you directly?

Stop dodging the question.

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