FINALLY. Only been advocating for this since before launch. You finally relearned what I had to originally explain over a decade ago. Now we just have to hope you ignore the crowd of forum idiots making backlash threads. They have no understand of economics what so ever. They actually defend buffs/boosts. They have gone the complete wrong direction for what is good/bad for the game.
Sadly, it’s hard to give much credit for this, given how late it is (halfway through the third game), after 2 boosts, with a third XP buff. Your negatives greatly outweigh the good here.
Okay Mr. Birmingham, again thats wonderful in theory… but in reality the true % is far far less… esp in WOTLK classic.
Gold is so easy to auto farm with DKs and so cheap… you can get an entire full bis set for 1/100th the time IRL working than it takes to actually raid and farm.
Its just being efficient.
“wait i make $46 an hour, and gold is $1.25 for 1k” … so either work for an hour and buy 30k gold… or farm dailies for 2 hours and make 300 gold. HMMMMMMMMM i wonder…
Except the token does NOT create money. Someone must buy the WoW token with their own gold. You pay real $ for the token, sell it on the AH where another player will buy it with their own gold, and that’s how you receive the gold.
You should really read the support article they linked. You do not appear to know what the WoW token is and how it works.
I was super hyped and thought RDF (the thing that kept me playing while not doing raids) would be throughout the whole expansion. Major bummer. and now tokens what a joke.
its not up to you to decide what the game should and should be.
I like putting up pink #s and running fast. Its far easier to do that buying gold. Just another person stuck in a false reality. Life is probably peaceful for you tho… so in some regards im jealous. Every day is roses and jelly beans. Ignorance can truly be bliss