Get the Wrath Classic WoW Token

Actually it’s kind of literally his decision like by job title lol…

Sorry, I seem to be missing the rpg part of the mmorpg that has credit card swiping for instant gratification.


Wow… glad I stopped playing wotlk and unsubbed.


We’ve now come full circle from Nostalrius.


no one asked for your opinion either


Just like literally no one asked for yours lol

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Are you that dense?

I see classic andys are flagging post :slight_smile:

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The amount of people on here telling the players with actual concerns to either leave, be quiet, or dismissing them just shows the mentality of the current player base. They want boosters, gold sellers, AOTC sellers, quick transactions that get them that sense of entitlement without actually putting in the work. All this gold token is going to do is incentivize the gold farmers and their websites to increase their activity because they know blizzard will look the other way because the token will help their profit margin in the end. I’m sure ill be called a crybaby and such but it really doesn’t matter what other peoples opinions of me are, what matters is the game I know and loved has become such a pathetic, hollow, worn out shell of what it once was, most people will probably flock to these private servers to try to get that nostalgia feel that they hoped blizzard will provide. I’m sure the forum trolls will roll their eyes and continue to make fun of those concerned but I really hope everyone that has a problem will think twice before hitting that resub I know I have and I’m not sure when I’ll return if this is a going trend. Its better to hurt them in the wallet since the forums really aren’t looked at for any sense of feedback.


Its a game, it should not be work.

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I feel pretty bad for the community manager that has to deal with interacting with us. Even better is the silence of it. Thinking back to all those cringe interviews that talk about the spirit of classic and the community lol. Un.Real.


That guy that believed in that was fired and replaced


Way to continue to be completely out of touch with your player base.

What tiny fraction of the population asked for this? Dont even try to justify it, i get it. More money for less work and diminishing product.

We want a fix to gold buying, botting, servers dying… not a “fix” that just involves paying YOU more money while solving none of the actual issues.

Transparency with your playerbase eh?, y’all are scum


I bought 3 tokens from AH, and I’m not complaining about it. It’s the principal of it - RDF is wanted a lot more than than WoW token. They claim to be listening to the player base, but almost zero people (in comparison) clamored for the token, while a large amount of people clamored for RDF.


Shadowmourne gdkp prices :arrow_up:

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That’s how much needs to be recouped. Please don’t act surprised, it’s going to get a lot more funky.

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I do have a legitimate question.

In retail, once your sub has lapsed you are able to buy a wow token directly from character select screen. Will this be in effect for WOTLK Classic or will you have to actually resub in order to buy tokens?

Unless I missed a Bliz post, they haven’t addressed that yet.

It’s to combat Gold Selling. When the token was added to retail, less illicit goldselling happened. It’s rampant on WoW Classic right now, everyone complains about it. This is a way to combat that.

Blizzard also benefits, but it does provide value to the players.

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This is going to be Classic’s version of the “immersion” controversy (flying/no flying for people not familiar). They ended up with a compromise, which I suspect will be the case here.

My guess is they will end up adding RDF, but only server-wide, not battleground-wide.

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