Get the Wrath Classic WoW Token

Either way, good luck bro. Do you even understand the resources that would require? One person could MAYBE get through and verify 1-2 people a day… tops. Congrats on that. $100,000 CA salary to ban 500 ppl a year. Hardly worth it.

Why do you defend Blizzard? Are you on their payroll?


not they didnt give any warning because they knew it wouldnt be popular but were forced to by executives who just want money for shareholders and dont care about game so they drop it with no warning so they don’t have to pretend to listen to feedback.

oh him…he does that all the time. he did it in tbc classic not surprised hes doing it now.


Im defending reality. You and Mr. Birmingham are probably best friends IRL… or would be at least.

“Pie in the sky everything is amazing” ideas with zero tie to reality and how things are.

“omg the economy is NOW ruined”… NOW?! LOLOL… bro its been YEARS of it being dead.

Super yikes lol.

RIP Classic.


1-2 people?? You think bots aren’t obvious? You can go sit in the basin right now and watch and easily tell bots. Go into a Bg. 1 person could easily ban massive amount of bots per server.

Some people have even volunteered to do it for free in the past just because they like this game and don’t want bots. Hell, I would.

Once you don’t have to worry about higher level bots, you can just watch starting zones. Makes it even easier. Making DK’s not require a 55 did not help though for sure.

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Yikes, three lines of being a blizzard shill.


The ultimate betrayal to the classic community …


Wrath, like TBC, was never Classic and this is just further proof.


Talk about rollercoaster of emotions.

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nice. now i can sell my token to the bots (cause they will be the only ones buying it off AH with excess gold) and the RMT market will continue to thrive and prices may even be lowered since they will no longer have to spend money on subs.

you guys are like… REALLLLY good at your jobs.


Still defending Blizzard. Sad.



It’s going to explode!

It’s like turning 21 in the US. Up til this point it’s shamed upon and discouraged, now they’re pushing it on faces.


This is like one of the only things you aren’t supposed to do to classic and you did it. Wowzers.


You don’t know how markets work that well, do you?

I tried really hard to read through this post, but the amount of words that my English teacher would’ve docked me for would’ve resulted is a zero for the assignment. #IdicracyInAction.

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admitting to violating terms of service on the forum…that’s a bold strategy there cotton.jpg.


If they manually reviewed gold purchases and banned id be worried, but the system is entirely automated, so it really doesnt matter at all.

See, Blizzard says they don’t make gold with the tokens. Because if you started printing money, it’s not going to cause prices to go down…

If everyone has 1million gold, do you think flask prices will remain the same? Use your intellectual powers.