Get the Band Together for Warbands

I much prefer what I have now with LiteBag: a one-bag setup. I hope I don’t lose that option.


One thing I’m curious about: if your materials can be put into the warband bank and used across your account, is your character’s reagent bank all that useful? I guess as a backup in case you fill the tab and cant afford buying the more expensive warband tabs, but is there likely to be any reagent that one character needs to keep out of the wb bank?

(PS: I did have a thunk, it could be used for old materials you want to keep and not fill up your fancy wb bank with. So my tailor who makes old patterns could put the cloth she uses in her reagent bank.)

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If I have money in my Warband Bank, and need to purchase a token, will it pull from the bank, or will I need to put it on a chracter like usual, or, more importantly, if I “Oops forgot to resub”, will it give me the option to use the gold in my Warband Bank to purchase the token on the Log-In page as it does now from character? c:

Good questions.

The article says:

In addition, the bank will allow you to deposit and manually withdraw gold across characters in your Warband.

Logically I’d say that what happens is, character X withdraws the sum needed from the WB bank to purchase a token and then uses that to buy it. But that’s just my assumption based on the above.

I am excited for warbands but I wish they would allow us to transfer ALL currencies (instead of leaving crests/flightstones per character). I have characters that have no crests and characters with crests but lack of flightstones. It would be nice to move them around so I can use them all


I know this is not the point of this post, but that Monk armor set is still horrifically ugly.

Oh, what the hell am I supposed to do? I have 3 monks and 1 druid do I just put them all in the same warband or different classes, please help.

Essentially. Youll never see it unless you selected those random alts.

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Thanks. :slight_smile:

I fully expect it to be much longer.

Im setting my expectations low so hopefully im pleasently surprised, but i wouldnt hold my breath.

You’re talking about Favorites and you can put any 4 you want. Every character on your Bnet account in in your Warband.

Warband is your ENTIRE account. Those FOUR you see is your FAVORITES not your “Warband”.


So… slightly dissapointed… I think it’s a missed opportunity - I was hoping they’d extend warbands to the follower dungeons - so that you could replace the generic AI characters with your alts - not necessarily that they would gain experience or gear from being there, but just seeing them meet in game would be cool.


Would this not be done in prepatch, not expansion launch?

My 64 soon to be 65(Earthen) characters are READY!!

This is an altoholics dream lol


It is being done in the pre-patch.

11.0 is the PrePatch…


If I could give one piece of feedback, I’d love if you could opt-out of any kind of automatic alt-assistance features like the warband-wide flight point unlock or the bonus XP achievements if you level multiple characters to max level. I like having the OPTION of leveling a character “the hard way”, without account-assistance of heirlooms, map exploration or flight point unlocks.

I’d love if that could be looked into in the future, maybe a hidden feature like XP-disabling already is.

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There’s nothing to look into… once the conversion happens and everything is account wide there’s no going back.


Yeah mb I thought the person I was responding to was implying that expansion launch would be messed up with the warband 20 min thing.