Or cloth, medium, heavy. I actually wish Blizzard used the old classifications of D&D (light, medium, and heavy) with cloth for casters over the leather, mail and plate. At least “medium” can be ultra tough hides or dragon scales and does not denote having to be made of metal.
Exactly. That’s why “light” should be leather. Cloth is not actually “armor”, it’s magical robes designed to increase your spell power.
Of course, then we could also discuss letting tailors make “light” armor and blacksmiths making “medium” armour.
All leather mog in shadowlands sucks in comparison with the other sers
Nothing says shaman, spiritual leader, and communing with the elements like a chain mail vest.
I like my hunters’ mogs. Especially my troll has several good ones, the mechagnome hangs out in heritage but he rocks it.
Yeah, as sound as Shadowlands looks to be mechanically (despite the kneejerking around the forums), there still isn’t any feature that serves as a “hook.” Shadowlands is designed to cater to WoW’s current players. Not returning players. Not new players. Solely the dwindling number of existing players.
Yes Bards are now Flynn Fairwind: everyone will be spooned by a drunk musician and like it…
A lot of people are idiots. Mail has some of the best sets in the game.
If anything I want Mail removed so all the pieces become leather and I can mog stuff like this or this on my Demon hunter.
Hmm I’d have to disagree on mail looking better on average, the biggest problem is compared to everything else our mogs lack depth and dimensions, 90% of pants are just different colored spray on jeans as are our boot transmogs. But I 100% support merging mail and Leather, you get mail for your Demon Hunter and I get Rogue, Druid, and Demon hunter green Fel/nature energy mogs…
WTB mail tank, ktxbai.
Made a large patch of scale armour about 30cm x 30cm and it was heavy. Used .075 cold roll for it though… yay for being a cnc programmer and controlling the turret presses work orders.
Now I am retired so going to have to try chain with coat hanger material. Chop up my slinky maybe.
Metal comes from the earth / stone.
alternatively just get rid of arbitrary class armor restrictions in transmog
I love my mail tmogs. Almost all Plate armor looks bad to me.
Yes, that’s why the great shamans like Drek’thar, Magartha, and Nobundo always wear heavy metal armor instead of skins and robes.
Hunters are not considered a mobile or stealthy class.
Legion mail armor looked really good, at least the first tier. But the majority of it is just awful. Who wants to wear a fish on their head?
I’d recommend aluminum welding rods (uncoated, obviously!). They make good rolls. Just drill a hole in a rod that you want the inner diameter to be and use a drill to spin it around the rod. Then snip it off and start knitting!
Your mistake is looking at tier sets.
Mail has hands down the best generic sets in the game. Just look at WoD dungeon and LFR gear.
Mail. Is. FINE. LEARN2MOG! If I can do this, literally everyone and their cat can.