Get ready for Arena in SoD

Arenas are fine, as long as their is a solo queue option.

Rank and non ranked

Also dont care about rewards, just want ez compish pvp 2v2 or 3v3

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If you want to do bg do bg, if you want to do wpvp and events, do wpvp and events, and if you want to do arenas, do arenas.

The only negative side that i look to a new gameplay mode is being rated, and that is because the “elitist” ligue will come to forums to invalidate any argument by checking pvp stats.

And by these people and streamers, the buff/nerf history will restart again like retail.

Well there are people who enjoyed arena like myself so yeah it’s subjective

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As long as they stop ruining classes by trying to balance that garbage PVP mode in SoD they can add whatever they want for it.

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And no to rbgs, they gatekeep all the fun in bg’s.

Unless normal bg’s give the same rewards than Rbg’s and premades will be forced to play rbg’s. That actually could work and give back to casual bg’s the fun and sense of accomplishment.

Please don’t gatekeep anything through arenas, or rbgs, that would completely destroy classic pvp.

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This question kinda hurts me. Most people don’t understand what PvP balance is. I never said SOD has perfectly balanced PvP, I just said they shouldn’t ruin what PvP we have because of Arena. Good balance is when some Classes can’t beat others cause the game is designed around LARGE SCALE battles. Class design is based around team play and objectives.

I think WPvP and BGs are what is important too PvP and that should be the focus and where balance goes. You can’t have Arena and that. That’s why I can’t play Retail because Arena ruined PvP.


Rated pvp was one of the major mortal strikes given to the mmo-rpg genre, at least that’s my interpretation and i love arenas.

Chill, you won’t be required do play, people who like arena will like this, if you don’t just don’t queue

It’s not that simple. If it were I would play Retail. I can’t though because Arena ruined PvP in BGs and WPvP. It doesn’t matter if I que or not, Arena ruined the content I enjoy.

Should that happen in SOD? Absolutely not! The problem is the Arena players soon as it happens will complain that X isn’t balanced, they got 1 shot by X or I can’t kill X. Nothing is supposed to be balanced in Arena because it’s supposed to be balanced around large scale battles over objectives.

I agree, and what I can guarantee is that the crying here will increase tenfold lol

Im not trying to hurt you

Im doubtful. They are barely hanging on with pvp in retail, i cant imagine trying to shoehorn it in here

While I think more content is always a great answer I don’t think arena is coming as they have posted that it most likely won’t. The post was brought up in the community discussions.

Here is the direct quote from the Dev Aggrend, this was just posted on December 12th so I doubt arena will happen.

“It was considered, and while I think we tend to agree it could be a lot of fun, because of how wild some of our class changes have been and will continue to be throughout Season of Discovery, Arena not something we plan to pursue. Put simply, no phase of Season of Discovery will have the level of balance we’d need for arena to be successful. Original WoW PvP works because it’s generally larger group PvP that you engage in (other than ganking or getting ganked, which is rarely fair). Arena and small-scale, highly competitive organized PvP really wants a level of balance that we likely wouldn’t be able to deliver in the ever-shifting, dramatically changing meta that Season of Discovery will be. Chasing the level of balance we’d need for it to work is not likely a good use of our development time. We’d rather put that into future phases’ abilities, new PvP events, new raids, new items, and other new content that will be exciting for the largest amount of players.

Sorry to burst a bubble, truly. I just feel its helpful to set expectations about what Season of Discovery is in terms of PvP and what it is not.”

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Source: Trust me bro.

Yeah. I think he’s trolling as they just posted about NOT implementing arena on Dec 12 in their community discussions.


My guess is that the STV arena is going to be a focal point for phase 2 pvp

Would be sick if they created a system for small skirmishes to take place in the arena for rewards

Don’t lock the best gear into only one.

Good. That game mode rewarding the best gear was always a mistake.

arena has always been good in wow.

ranked pvp is the chance to show everyone and prove how good you are at pvp.
i wonder why most of the self proclaimed amazing world pvpers go quiet when the conversation is about ranked

most players that call themselves pvp gods in world pvp are just really, really bad at pvp.
they dont survive facing actually good players in ranked pvp, thus they hate ranked.

Lol wow.

This just isn’t the version of wow that would have a good functioning arena. CC and engineering items are far too powerful and last far too long

I have no idea why anyone even asks for it.

Even the heavyweight arena players say it doesn’t belong at 60

RBGs would work if they don’t give monstrous item rewards to the highest teams.

Maybe just a title or a mount or an armor recolor.