Get ready for Arena in SoD

Speak for yourself lol.

Would love some classic 3s, hope they add arena.

Unless they gate PvP gear behind rating, in which case it’s a terrible thing for the game. Look how hard PvP participation dropped off from classic 2019 to tbc. Arena and rbgs have no place in vanilla unless your goal is to have less players pvping.

Agreed, did tons of arena back in the day and it was always the players with no addons, no idea how their class works, who believed random bgs and world pvp was “real” pvp lol.

Ask then why they hate arena?

I just do

Nah, fam, you just suck…


RBGs, no thank you.

If there’s arena’s, it should be in Gurubashi arena, Valley of honor arena and Dire maul arena. A place where we can all spectate people fight and hang out for duels while our turn comes.

Maybe the BRD arena too would be cool.

I want them to improve on their WPvP concept, I am sure STV will be better than ashenvale and so on.

As long as it’s not required for certain bis gear, I see no issue.

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I don’t think they should do much more about it this time. But I see big PvP changes happening in a later season.

Imagine this. WoW classic, season of battle.

  • new BGs
  • Arenas
  • RBG
  • New runes that give PvP abilites
  • PvP stuff that drops in dungeons and raids

Yeah dude my dad works at blizzard he confirms this


Ya. Arenas with unique classes on opposing factions, trinkets that don’t remove all CC.

Ya bro. Arena would be great.

Blizzard already destroyed any chance at pvp balance when they decided to not put Paladins and Shamans on both factions.

Sounds like the OP is just bad at arena PvP.


Please add rated Arena in SoD so us hardcore PvPers have content to enjoy while still playing Classic. Thanks!

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