Get ready for Arena in SoD

I heard from reliable sources that Arena entries were found in the SoD game files.

So the leaks about the season of PVP were accurate.

I bet they changed the game into SoD because of the backlash the leaks about the PVP changes received.

Get ready for even worse PVP in SoD in later phases.

Arena and probably rated BGs are coming to SoD. Goodbye classic PVP.


I’ll be honest I think Arena would actually be pretty cool.

More PvP options are never a bad thing.

Burning Crusade was when Arena first came out too so it’s really not far off from the ‘Classic’ experience.


No it won’t.

Has Arena ever been good in WOW?

No it hasn’t. People play classic for open world PVP not arena.


Different people like different things. Shocker I know.


It depends on the player, some people like structured PvP like BGs and Arena and some people like open world PvP like Ashenvale and STV when they add it in the next phase.

I think it’s great they are providing more options for both kinds of players.

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rbgs would be more thematic. arenas are boring.


I see no negative.

People that like Arena can do that.
People that like BGs can do that
People that like world pvp can do that
Peol that dont like pvp can do that.


I love the idea of arena. But they better have 2 rule sets… It was not fun having them try and balance pvp & pve within the same rule set.

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You don’t see a negative because you don’t have the capacity to understand game design.

If there are rated BGs and Arena everyone will only do that.

Hardly anyone will be in the open world PVPing.

Does this make sense now to you?

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That is beyond terrible logic. People will play what they like. If they play that, clearly they enjoy it more

Only concern would be rewards.

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You understand the problem then. If arena has the best possible pvp rewards, then you’re funneling people into content they don’t enjoy.


It’d be hard to imagine that the devs looked at the state of PVP in Wrath Classic and Retail and said, “Hey, it’s got the lowest participation rates ever there, let’s do THE EXACT SAME THING to Classic.”




People play what is most rewarding. IF arena gear is better or rated BG gear is better. It’s all people will play.

Are you new to MMOs or something?

I mean, take TBC and WRATH as perfect examples. There is no world PVP at all in those expansions because everyone is in BGs or Arena all day.


As long as both options provide the same rewards I don’t see it being an issue.

You can grind Honor/Rep by either spamming Warsong Gulch or doing Ashenvale.

I assume when they add it you will also be able to grind the same in Arena or STV.

PS: If they make Arena gear better than the other gear then yeah, I can see it being an issue but as long as they are just different options of achieving the same gear/rewards I don’t see the issue.

That isn’t how it actually plays out.

How it actually plays out is the place with the best rewards gets all the people filtered in to it and all the other avenues to engage are just dead/not worth doing, and whether or not you can make the argument that people have “options” or “choices”, that’s just the reality. You simply kill the less rewarding avenues to engage with the game outright.

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I disagree

World pvp will happen no matter what on a pvp server. Even if there is RBG’s and Arena. You do RGBs and Arena for rewards [or have no rewards], status, and fun. The reward for world pvp is annoying disrupting another players. Its a different enjoyable fun thing that RBG and Arena can never reward.

It’s Friday night!! That means world pvp on WotLK Grobbulus. Leave SoD behind. Come to WotLK Grobbulus and participate in the city raids/defense! There are spies on both sides, sometimes we even ride out to meet the enemy before they arrive! Last week we had a long back-and-forth at the forgotten pools in the barrens.

The players and our creativity are far better content than ANY PvE experience Blizzard can design for you.

I love you.

Kind of flies in the face of the excuse Aggrend has given about Alliance Shaman and Horde Paladins if true.

You are making a huge assumption that arena is even being added.

You are making another assumption that they will have gear at all from it, let alone BiS gear.

Exactly. That’s why so many people left retail and play Classic Era/SoD.