Get ready for Arena in SoD

I just want it for fun, dont even care about the rewards tbh.

That would be really fun!


They can’t balance around it though. So will it be fun if you can’t beat certain classes. Or if some classes never go OOM and it takes 2 dps to kill them. As long as your okay with no balance then that’s cool.

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I don’t really get what the problem with those being added? PvP is already changed as far as I know with ashenvale and all the new abilities so I don’t really get the point of complaining now.

arena was really fun in MoP for me at least. Oh wait you are that same guy trolling in that last thread I saw. I thought you are “watching SoD fail because it’s hilarious”

Because Arena ruined PvP in all other aspects. We don’t want it to happen again. It’s not that hard to understand. Scroll up.

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that’s subjective so there’s no point in arguing that

There are band-aid balances they could toss Arena’s way. Could just ban tank specs if they somehow become a problem. Could have arena only dampening to avoid games going near infinite.

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Reliable sources. Trust me bro.

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Open world ganking.

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It’s not subjective. It’s fact. You can’t balance around 3’s Arena and then have WPvP, BGs and large scale PvP be balanced. It’s one or the other. They choose to balance PvP around Arena for Esports ruining BG/WPvP balance. These are facts.

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As intended. Makes the world feel alive. Its not called world of peacecaft.

I dont care. I want it for fun.

It would be cool if you queued up and people could spectate your fight in the open world, like sitting in the bleachers.

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I will be honest.

I think arena gameplay experience is hot gargabe and should not be replicated.

Never liked it, Never liked the fact i HAD to do it to progress in pvp and honestly it was never a balanced experience and mmos shouldnt focus in providing balanced competitive gameplay.

Impossible to do, one is just too quickly and other forms are slower.
You WILL HAVE TO DO arena, there is no other way if they introduce it.

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That’s fine and it can be in game for fun as long as they don’t ruin PvP and balance around Arena.

Think a lot of PvPers agree on that.

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I prefer structured pvp like bgs and arena. Different strokes for different folks. Hope they add this!

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Are you one of those guys who thinks SoD pvp is balanced?

I’m fine with it just awarding Honor for climbing. Maybe create a reputation with some neat rewards equivalent to the epic rewards you get from the BG factions. Definitely not full sets of PvP gear that rival the Field Marshal stuff…

(I don’t want to be forced into janky Arena as a Rogue Tank for what would be BiS gear)

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As much as i love pvp and arenas, this is a terrible idea because theyll balance it into retail. You already know!!!

Then will be going back to pure classic private servers and the circle repeats. Blizz just doesnt get it.