Get ready for Arena in SoD

You should learn how to clean your “reliable source” before being able to post on the forums. At least use toilet paper.

Would be welcomed with open arms. Especially if the game forced premades into them.

Chances of it being added, though? Very unlikely.

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Arena doesn’t make sense with 45sec CC with heartbeat or classic DR tables. They’d have to put in TBC cc limits on players and rework all the DR tables if they actually wanted participation and I don’t know how much the average player wants that.

There’s an Arena in STV. Use that. This e-sport crap has no place in a Vanilla server.

Also, someone saying their father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate knows something about Classic means nothing. OP is just a troll.

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Yea I don’t think so. We’re an example of 1 - 1 = 0 on that regard.

There are many different reasons as to why people left retail.

I don’t really care about the opinions of someone who thinks premades vs pugs is a good thing, tbh.

Would like to see the Classic PvP side of the game do alright, rather than die out all over again by making the exact same mistakes for the 3rd time in 5 years.

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Exactly. So what happens if 10 people have 1 reason each why they left but each of those 10 suggest that 1 thing the other disliked? The answer is obvious.

I don’t find this to be an issue, but there are just as many people who dislike arenas as there are who like them. It’ll be an impasse and also something Blizz already said they aren’t doing.

… I specifically quoted the part about Rated BGs

Don’t care one way or the other about Arena. It’s fine thing for people who just want the objective to be kill other players, as opposed to having actual objectives in BGs where player kill count is just stroking their ego and has no effect on winning or losing.

I can easily see them do arena but if SoD ends up going into TBC then we would have arena there with SoD changes. If you don’t like arena then you simply don’t have to do it. :slight_smile:

Hey all I am saying is they worked on making the honor system streamlined and simpler for people to do and removed the competitive elements in honor grinding, why would they suddenly add rated arena/bgs?


Never know what they might do later in the future.

I hope Arena is added. On one condition.

DON’T MAKE IT GIVE BETTER GEAR THAN BGS. There is no reason Arena need to replace BGs like we all know they did in TBC.

Arena should be optional side content. Maybe it can reward a mount or a nifty trinket.


the arena in STV is a free for all type deal.

I like 2v2s. Sometimes when me and my buddy are leveling together I start to imagine how epic our 2v2 team would be .

Just don’t let arena reward good gear or a lot of honor. Make it truly optional content.

That is until some group of people decide to bring party dedicated to clearing the field.

Considering Arena ruined PvP in WoW and Retail I’d say you are wrong.

More PvP options are not a bad thing as long as we don’t focus or balance around them which is what happened with Arena. This is an MMO and the mini-game of Arena doesn’t work. It never worked. Classes are design around large scale battles and objectives. That’s how the game should be balanced.

It should take 2-3 players to kill a tank or healer. There should be no win situations in certain match-ups. That is balanced since the game is supposed to be balanced around large battles. Which is why Arena doesn’t work because that type of balance doesn’t work for that format.

I often think about how much better PvP in this game could of been if Arena never happened.

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Arena existing didn’t ruin pvp. Arena becoming the primary pvp mode with the best gear is what ruined pvp.

They didn’t say they were changing the honor system. If they keep the honor system the same but introduce Arena, then Arena will actually be a very poor way to get honor. Rendering it as optional side content like it should be.

It might work out. I’m willing to roll the dice.

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It’s always gonna be that you HAVE to do arena to obtain the best PvP gear to have fun in bg / wpvp.

Partially correct. Arena was the primary mode so ALL PvP was balanced around it ruining BGs and WPvP. Healing, mana resources, mitigation, damage, mobility, CC all changed because of Arena Esports. Which ruined PvP since what matters in an MMO is large scale objective based PvP.

Arena ruined WoW and it’s PvP. The game and PvP would of been far better if Arena never happened. You can’t make Classes design to heal Raids or Tank/Dps Old Gods work in a 3’s Death match. It never worked.


This would be an excellent addition to classic. Would love Arena.

It would be gross but as long as they don’t balance it at all or give any rewards for it then I don’t care. Just don’t want Arena ruining PvP in the game again.