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I dunno dude.

Last I checked, there was 12 apostles, not 17, and they were all eating their own dinner, and not sharing one big meal under a dome.

I would be on board with them being disrespectful if there was other Christian symbols being used but there wasn’t.

That’s right, you don’t.

Neither do you :woman_shrugging:

Again, there was 12 apostles, not 17.

“Um… ACTUALLY. One of them had a miniskirt on so it couldn’t have been a mockery of the last supper because no one at the last supper had a miniskirt on” :point_up: :nerd_face:

So… standing behind a table is mocking “The Last Supper?” Accuracy doesn’t matter, just people standing behind a long table is now taboo.

:rofl: :rofl:

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are the faction mounts faction locked or not? anyone know? they dont tell me ingame

The fat “lady” DJ who happily admits playing the part of Christ (can’t miss “her” in the center of the table behind blue boy ) and is happy to admit it was in fact the Last Supper is now threatening to sue people who insult “her” or the Olympics ceremony on “her” Instagram. So just stop, homeslice.

I can’t find what you’re talking about. I don’t mind admitting I’m wrong, and would love to see what you got, but what I can find is Thomas Jolly, the creator of that performance, said the inspiration was not “The Last Supper.”

All I had to put into google was “olympic ceremony dj suing” and got all the hits. Here, have one. ht(removethespace)tps://

Did you think I wasn’t going to read this and just accept I’m wrong? Btw, nice website. The title of it calls her “obese.”

Anyways, I read this website and the same article on the BBC. Neither has one single quote from her that said she admitted to being Christ or that the performance was based on “The Last Supper.”

I’d say go check her Barbara Butch Instagram, but she deleted a bunch of posts.

If she really did say that, she was probably ordered to take those posts down because again, Thomas Jolly said it was not based on “The Last Supper”, which would make her claim false.

If you go up in the thread, you’ll find the link I posted where the Olympics spokesperson admitted it was the Last Supper.

Even better, now the Olympics and the networks are looking at lawsuits because one of the drag performers balls were literally hanging out on stage.

So your “proof” is one spokes person (which the article doesn’t name) said it was then don’t mention the fact that they said this before Thomas Jolly and other reps for the Olympics said that this person was wrong?

And to address this, can you point to how this performance was spot on with “The Last Supper?”

I already pointed out they had more performers than apostles (which is a HUGE detail to that painting) and the person you claimed was portraying Christ is wearing a head piece that he’s not wearing in the painting. Also, there is no supper laid out for the people standing behind the table. Just one big plate covered with a dome which was also not in the painting.

You mentioned you’re not a Christian but I am and I didn’t think anything of it until the internet blew up.

Yes, Jolley said the spokesperson was wrong AFTER the backlash hit. But it don’t matter. More facts will come out and either you or me will be wrong, so I’ll happily wait. I gotta go to a doc appointment now, so don’t take me not responding for a while as an affront.

Are you for real? Giving us a weird purple/red backpack of an arrow in a target as a completed month reward? Why would we want to be target practice with a color scheme that matches literally nothing? Maybe instead we could’ve gotten the mounts and have the target thing be an optional purchase? Everything is expensive af this month anyways.

And what’s funny is that little Chinese-dragon pet looks god-awful compared to when they gave us actual serpent-dragons in MoP.

I have that pet, but damn, it’s easily one of the ugliest in the game lmao.

The pet was given out in TBC if I recall, though battleground victories. It was fairly random. Obviously an event to promote the Olympics.


People lose their mind over old stuff just because it’s rare.

The example I like to use is the ZG tiger. It’s got 8 pixels and enough sharp corners to cut someone but yet, people think it’s the greatest thing ever.

But yes, the baby wind serpent pets have greatly improved and the only reason I would want that ugly pet is for a +1.

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People in one of my Discords are saying no they aren’t faction locked, I haven’t checked it out myself yet but since more than one person has said that I assume they aren’t.


I wouldn’t take this or the Paris Olympic opening as an affront.

And I hope you’re proven right. You seem to care about it more than me :innocent:

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