Get Into the Spirit of Competition With the August Trading Post!

Considering they call it the “violet” whatever, I feel as though we will see many different colour versions of this model. Which is actually a bit weird. I understand different coloured cloaks and what have you, but putting a coloured ring on a wooden target board so you can have multiple versions of it is actually a bit silly. :upside_down_face:

I had so much tender. Then this month hit.

For competition i a non hostile situation, aka sports I would suggest faction/race specific sport outfits. And banners for fans to wave. Just imagine a comfy red and gold jogging dress with the Silvermoon emblem on it and you get the idea.

Finished my tasks this month and bought a couple of items this month! :smiley:

-I got the murloc battle pet. Was wanting them since I first saw them and was happy to get them! :tropical_fish:

-Also got the Nightsaber mount. Thought it looked cool and definitely wanted to get it! :cat:

:snowman_with_snow: I decided to freeze the wolf mount. I’m interested in it, but I want to see what next month’s rewards are before I decide to get them or not. :wolf:

Looking forward to next month’s Trading Post rewards! Especially since it looks like we’ll be getting a third Ogre child battle pet at some point in the future, which will be top priority for me to get when available! :moneybag:

I was able to ride the nightsaber mount on Horde and Alliance characters. I assume the wolf mount is the same, since I don’t see a faction locked message for either of them.

-25 days (21 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

:meat_on_bone::crocodile: :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:

Blood troll set did not came back as shown in the video… or they just used the 2023 video?

I got it back in '08 and love it. It really should come back every Olympics.

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