Get Into the Spirit of Competition With the August Trading Post!

All I heard was “That is no Orc … Horn” From LoTR

Certain things said or typed just take me to certain movie lines!

You use the wording for the original, Olympic-themed “Spirit of Competition” pet/tabard from many years ago (which I have, thankfully), and… it has no bearing on the theme of the rewards? None of the rewards are Olympic-themed, unless I’m missing something.

The monthly “reward” also literally looks like someone’s third-grader designed it. And, “Show you’re not afraid by wearing the coward’s violet target on your back”??? Really?

So, we have a “reward” where the item itself is cosmetically underwhelming, and on top of that, its entire concept is literally the antithesis of “the spirit of competition”.

How does this make sense? And…how is this a reward? This is better suited for sale as a joke/flavor item on a PvP vendor.

WHY didn’t you choose one of the (too many, given the massively restricted Trader’s Tender) actually desirable choices? Most people will literally never use this ugly target. NEVER. It’s a waste of graphic artist resources, and yet another thing to scroll past when looking for DESIRABLE transmog.

The most commonsense, genuine (and redeeming, in the face of so many recent blunders) monthly reward would have been all the weapon appearances that go with the skyrider transmog. As an alternative, there are those two new mounts that are faction restricted, and should therefore be awarded/sold as ONE, since no character can access both (which has historically been done - Argent Tournament mounts being a quick example, from memory). Even the pet, unexciting as he is, would have been a better reward.

If you weren’t so infuriatingly restrictive with Trader’s Tender, or we at least had an idea of when items might return, this wouldn’t be a big deal. But you are, and we don’t.

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Yeah, I was really confused by this too. They literally just copied and pasted the thread title from last year and didn’t even bother to, at the minimum, make the Spirit of Competition available again. Yeah, it was released before, so a lot of people have it now, but it’s still a big deal for those who do not.

Wow you guys really missed the mark with this month

Pun intended

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Another month with filling the bar to earn a piece of junk. I feel like they are getting skimpy. We have gotten mounts and entire gear sets. Now a back piece? No thanks.

Are we ever getting the violet cloak/hood back on the TP again? It was available in July 2023. And I was hoping to get it for July 2024, but it didn’t make it back this year.

Don’t worry, it will come back.

i got a better idea. why dont you guys fix this game.

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After seeing the Olympics opening ceremony, don’t nobody need nothing from that shizz here.

and here I thought it was a play on this one:


You mean the ceremony with the reenactment of the Feast of Dionysus? O.o what is so bad about that?


I’m pretty sure I know what kind of response you’re going to get, and it’s going to be a train wreck. Want some popcorn in advance?

Olympic spokesperson already admitted it was the Last Supper before backtracking when the backlash hit. Also, can you show me the painting of the Feast of Dionysus that looks so remarkably spot on to the painting of the Last Supper?

nypost.c (remove space ) om/2024/07/30/sports/paris-olympics-admitted-opening-ceremony-drag-show-was-based-on-last-supper/#:~:text=A%20Paris%202024%20Olympics%20spokesperson,deny%20it%20following%20fierce%20backlash.

I am neither Christian nor religous, but the show was disgusting in it’s mockery.

can someone tell me wether or not these 2 faction mounts are faction locked?

none of them tells me a faction and I am not willing to find out for minus 600 tender. Thanks.

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I thought the same thing!

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You’ll forgive me if I don’t follow your link, I’ve had bad experiences with the NY Post in the past, malware in their links, but a bit of research does show that it was supposed to be The last Supper…which is weird as it doesn’t really read as The Last Supper to me. :dracthyr_shrug:

As for your last question, the Feast of Dionysus, or Feast of the Gods depending on who you ask, does have some Similarities to the Last Supper but not many.

But Again, I did see that you were right about it being The Last Supper. As for it being ‘disgusting’, eh, I don’t really see it. :dracthyr_shrug: But that’s just me.

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I have nothing against drag itself, or lgbt as a whole. But as with every group, you have a subset of political extremists who hide behind an identity banner to get away with stuff they normally wouldn’t. You don’t turn the Last Supper into a drag show out of "love or “inclusivity”. There’s no way it was intended as anything other than an insult they thought they could get away with. That is what I find disgusting. Imagine a drag show portraying Muhammad or Allah. Think Christians are upset? lol

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You’ve…clearly never been part of a theater club. :dracthyr_crylaugh: Like I honestly doubt there was anything ‘Political’ about it. Most entertainment, drag shows or comedy plays boil down to ‘Hey how can I entertain people with this particular section of history and get a few laughs out of it.’ :dracthyr_shrug: Again, Unless there’s something found that points to malicious intent, I don’t really see anything other than people trying to put on a show.

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Ehh I didn’t see “The Last Supper,” I see “Feast of the Gods.”

I think people are overreacting this time.

The “reward” for filling out the monthly track is sad. Like Blizzard is purposefully mocking us now.

Yeah everyone knows why they did it. Absolutely heretical.