Get Into the Spirit of Competition With the August Trading Post!

Get Into the Spirit of Competition With the August Trading Post!

The spirit of competition is strong all during the month of August. Show you’re not afraid by wearing the Coward’s Violet Target on your back. You don’t need anyone else to put a target there!

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When you said, “spirit of competition” that made me think of the literal item “Spirit of Competition” which is a battle pet you can’t get anymore. A beautiful dragon I’ve always wanted. But that’s not being re-released.


Where my blue suit with yellow beard?

Not gonna lie with the whole Spirit of Competition thing I expected some Olympics themed items. :dracthyr_shrug:


I wish the saber had grey or black fur instead of purple, but the wolf looks rad!

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Come on, add a 2 feet of handle to the stormhammers and give the two-hand wielders something to match the sets.


Inb4 all the complaints that the monthly bonus reward isn’t a mount!


The stormhammers are individual purchases per color that matches the new sets? Oof.

This too.

(Heck needs matching shields too)



If we buy these weapons, you promise not to size change them later on?


I’ll admit that it is the first monthly free item that I have lackluster feelings about. Someone will like it though and it won’t hurt me sitting in the appearance collection.

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It was already re-released once on the Trading Post.


Question: why does the “Full Article” talk about how the trading post has been out for a year and players can get the Warden xmog set? Seems like an odd snippet, especially since it talks about 10.2.5 Seeds of Renewal content update as well.

Reminder that the achievement exists. They just haven’t updated the wording.


They all say it? I’ll be honest I rarely read their articles all the way through :slight_smile:

Is this a reference to something? Seems kind of random.

A month for saving. Nothing interesting for me. Hard to tell when you stop using actual images to show us stuff. And the reward for filling the bar? Oof… weakest transmog Ive seen in forever.


Yep. It’s been at the end of every Trading Post article since we could acquire the transmogs.

Spirit of Competition. Olympics. Red vs Blue, Horde vs Alliance.

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If anyone wants to see images of all the rewards:

The monthly reward is ok I guess. Not particularly excited for it, but I’m sure there are players who could make some neat transmogs out of it. As I’ve said before, I’m usually happy with any mount, battle pet, or toy I don’t have as the monthly reward. :dart:

Currently I’m eyeing that Murloc battle pet. I think I saw them before on Wowhead and was really interested in getting them when available. Will likely get them! :tropical_fish:

I am a bit interested in the Warsaber and Wolf mounts, though I don’t know if they are faction locked or not. I’m assuming so, and I might consider them unless I decide to keep some tenders saved up for the future. :cat: :wolf:

I already have the horse mounts and the ethereal toy, but I’m happy to see them offered again. I recommend the ethereal toy, since it is useful if you’re in a place you can’t use the yak mount to transmogrify your armor. :horse: :ghost:

Think that is about all that interests me this month, but I am excited for the Murloc battle pet!

And as usual, I’ll post my current wishlist for the Trading Post in general here:

The main existing items I can think of off the top of my head are these Ogre related toys that came from the WoW TCG:

Still want playable Horde Ogres, of course, but I am trying to collect Ogre related stuff in the game. :japanese_ogre:

I’m also adding Cap’n Crackers to my wishlist since I was unable to get them from the Twitch drop and Twitch drop items seem very possible for appearing on the Trading Post. :parrot:

The only other thing I can think of is the Brutosaur mount, which I know the chances are very slim for that to actually happen, but it’s still on my wishlist. :sauropod:

I’m sure I’ll find some other things to add to my Trading Post wishlist as I remember them, but for now, those are all I can think of at the moment.

I look forward to doing Trading Post tasks as usual. Also looking forward to whenever that third Ogre child battle pet gets on the Trading Post! :smiley:

-28 days (24 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

:meat_on_bone::crocodile: :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre: