Get Into the Spirit of Competition With the August Trading Post!

This might be the first time I don’t really see any sort of potential appeal in the monthly reward.


I think this is probably the worst completion reward yet. It’s an ugly back piece and pretty sure few people would waste their tender on it.


You… want to reward me…with a target on my back?
…Uah, no… i’m good thanks.

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Wow that image. Our poor orc mains literally have a target on their back. :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: horde bias, amirite?

I’m dumb - it’s a DID, not an orc. I will never financially recover from this…

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Huh, a French murloc. That’s new.


It better murlocspeak in French, whatever that may sound like.



“The spirit of competition is strong”… so we give you a night elf mount, that is decorated with Horde gear… or take this Horde mount with cute night elf stuff on it and on top of it we will put a target right on your back!.. yeah… no, thanks. :sweat_smile:


looks over in the direction of the person responsible for naming things with a puzzled expression


Trying to imagine that in my head. Hilarious.


Mrrrgurleon Mrrglparte

The Mrrgauls


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I wonder what they sound like in the French client.

They all wearing berets


The monthly reward should’ve been all the hammers recolors, like a weapon pack. You guys could’ve instigated your players to actually upgrade to the epic edition if they were on the fence.

But no, let’s just give some random whatever for the monthly reward.

Every month, trading post monthly rewards just feel less and less for players with my taste for xmog.

The watch recolor feels even more like a slap in the face, what everyone assumed it would cost (100 tenders) for a whole monthly reward that was swaped (the desert full costume that cost 1200 tenders if memory servers right).

Get your priorites straight.


I seem to remember that the monthly reward was always meant to be the item that month that everyone would buy… In what world is some crappy joke cape the most sought after item ? I’ve had mounts and pets frozen almost every month because you refuse to let up, I’ve love to buy some mog cloaks and tabards but who knowns when the mounts will return ?

The mounts need to start having a consistent price, one month 400 the next 800, or better yet the monthly reward is always the mount or a full armor set.

The TP must be fun for ppl that don’t care about pets and mounts since they always have tendies to buy what they want, meanwhile the collectors are lucky to have 100 tendies left after pets and mounts.

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so…what I’m curious about is…if I buy the cat mount does my alliance characters get the wolf instantly or am i having my arm twisted and forced to buy both?

That monthly reward is just awful, sorry :woman_shrugging: I thought that the monthly reward was supposed to be something big? That gets less and less true almost every month.

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I expected Olympics stuff, and wow, this is jus…

./scratches head & tin foil hat


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It has been MONTHS since I’ve been excited about a trading post. The wolf and saber are great. The murloc pet is great. Some of the transmogs… geesh! I finally want to get something and now that I have all these tenders I might get them all!