Get an Eye on an Even Dozen New Hero Talent Trees

Was wondering the same thing

Agreed, very uncreative and unimpressive.

Agreed, the Warrior themes aside from Thane are really unimpressive. Colossus - Kills things but bigger and burstier! Slayer- Kills things but faster and more pressure!

they were told since day one these themes seemed un-thoughtout, uncreative and placeholder esque. Still not too late to change them but I doubt they will.

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That’d be rad.

I expect you guys are really going to have your hands full trying to balance these in PvP, unless you’re not planning to. This link is from the Community Council

Please, please consider fixing some of the issues we’re experiencing currently in PvP before TWW launches since I fear the odds of you addressing the issues linked here are slim to none, once the chaos of all these Hero Talents begins.

That said I’m looking forward to how much these Hero Talents will shake things up in all areas of play.


I love the theme that “Slayer” is trying to bring, but looking through the Hero Talents it seems to lack anything that would aesthetically stand out. It’s all passives that will go largely unnoticed. I guess you’ll be able to see a random bonus bladestorm occasionally? Kind of lacking, imo.

It seems currently the way you’ll tell if that Warrior is a Slayer, will be noticing that it’s not 5% larger, or it’s not slamming thunderbolts everywhere. That’s disappointing.

I think it would be cool if when the passives for Slayer proc, it’s signified by causing enemies affected to gush blood, similar to how there’s a glyph which causes warriors to be on fire when enraged. Maybe that’s not “T” rated, though?

So maybe a particularly bloody swing that’s very easily determined to be an attack only a Slayer could perform? Or maybe when consuming a stack of “Marked for Execution”, there’s an explosion of blood from the target.

Looking at some of the other classes it’s awesome that there’s a lot of cool visual representations that allow the Hero specs to stand out. Slayer seems to be lacking. Hopefully you guys have something prepared to make Slayer stand out.

Couldn’t agree more, a few of these like San’Layne, Rider of the Apocalypse and Frostfire and to some degree Mountain Thane are adding some flare to the actually fantasy, but essentially every single other Hero Talent Tree is just more talents with a lore name or even irrelevant name slapped on. This system could have been so much more. Big let down on the Shadow Pan theme, and the other two Warrior options “Colossus - Basically just kill things but bigger, and burstier! Slayer - Kills things but faster and more pressure!” So uncreative. Don’t get me wrong they sound fun but who thought these themes were good?

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Ive never been more convinced that blizzard doesnt care about shamans at all anymore. Thinking its time to move on to another game, this same old same old for my favorite class is getting tiresome

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You’re not totally wrong, I was going down the train of thought of utilizing Impending Catastrophe, which had an anima power that summoned your demon on cast, which I could see as a keystone for it absolutely. I made another post further down discussing other ideas along those lines, but my main problem overall is just the focus on Immolate of all things, not even a reference to Rain of Fire either, the ability that literally rains hell on people, or Channel Demonfire, or any of those abilities.

All warlocks are known to summon demons, however, so its not out of place for non-Demo related hero specs to involve them to a degree, if anything it makes more sense in that we don’t have to delve into Wild Imps, or Dreadstalkers, just the big demon that isn’t even on the same level of damage CD as Tyrant is.

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Probably not the first to ask this. Is it possible to be able to use our other undead mounts as well? Like Valiance for example, would be awesome to use Midnight as well for some quick examples that will get a lot out of that choice.

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Don’t want to derail this thread but yes, out of the 39 specs, 20 of them feature an Orc, Human or Elf. And lot of the talent background art seems like placeholder art that were never replaced with the actual “intended” art.

Since we are talking about Paladins, let’s use them as an example. The people in the background art are not only just elves and humans, but they are also in the wrong spec!

The old man in the Holy tree is Tirion Fordring, the quintessential Ret paladin and the guy who wielded the Ashbringer before the players got it.
The Elf in the prot tree is Naedia. A Holy Paladin.
And the one in the Ret tree is just the Hearthstone card art for Hammer of Wrath.


So, did no one at Blizzard stop to think how Shado-Pan would work lore wise? Yeah, there are monks in Pandaria that are willing to teach outsiders, hell we did several quests with them even as non-monks, but they were not Shado-Pan. We’ve worked for and with the Shado-Pan but there’s not one time where they accept outsiders into their ranks.

Actually when’s the last time they were even in the story? It wasn’t in Legion for the monk class hall, that was on the Wandering Isle.


So, let me tell you one time in wow.I think legion or bfa? They did this. They summoned hordes of pets on enemies. PVE and PVP. The results? They got nerfed to the ground because other players in PVP had issues getting to them due to an army on them as well as targeting or really doing anything to fight back. So they got reduced heavily from this idea to a handful of pets(base+temp summons).

Source: I played in those times. I hated hunters and so did everyone. It was a nightmare to face hunters in pvp back then. They easily smoked you and killed you.

If your going to speak for everyone at least do it right. Most people who really enjoy Havoc and only play havoc don’t think we need a 3rd spec. There are others who play lots of alts and different specs and really wish they had more options on their main.

Packleader seems to be as exciting as the powers we got in Torghast - passive, secondary and no visual flair. I’m guessing the same person worked on both of them.

I have 10 level 70s and main DH. Most I’ve talked to feel like we out badass other classes, and do it minus 1 spec. Open to a third spec but extremely doubtful it would match the DH aesthetic and feel forced upon. How does one make something more perfect, ya know?

Results may vary, but that’s my truth lol

I hope all of these abilities are visually interesting. I know numbers are important and that but honestly I like a good lightsplosion

I don’t think we need a third spec, but I think that being the only class with just 2 should make us stand out. DHs being top right now in certain aspects whether its PVP or tanking – these things should be standard for us since we miss out on all the benefits other classes get with 3 specs.

So make our hero talents really shine – current AR does not.

I’m sorry miss Demon Hunter but you are mistaken.

I main a balance druid.
It’s only logical that if a class is to be made OP on purpose it would be balance druid.

It’s really the only logical choice…(these statements have been verified thru “Trust me bro” fact checking services LLC)

Talking about…

Constant Pressure and Slayer’s Focus?

One increases damage by 10%, the other reduces cooldown by 10%.