Get an Eye on an Even Dozen New Hero Talent Trees

Feedback time :grimacing:

Demon Hunter (Havoc)

Overall, looks interesting. Honestly itā€™s hard to say without actually playing it. A couple of things ~

Reaverā€™s Glaive:

Iā€™m worried this will just like having to press Throw Glaive. With the current Season 3 set bonus, you donā€™t really have to press it at all, which is great.

Throw Glaive is not generally a fun button to press. But who knows, this might make it fun. Again, without actual gameplay, itā€™s hard to say.

Double Vengeful Retreat:

On paper this sounds amazing! In actual gameplay, Iā€™m worried/curious. In typical gameplay you want to use it so that you get the Initiative buff. Here, would you get two stacks? Would the buff refresh itself when VR is used twice? Interested to see

Meh. Just feels like you cut off the talents that would have been added to the bottom of the trees anyway and called them ā€œHero Talentsā€ (/jazz hands) to try to make TWW seem less barren. Kinda nuts that this and More Dwarvesā„¢ is what youā€™re trying to hype this expansion with.

Eh, whatever. Itā€™s more WoW, so itā€™ll be fun, I already pre-purchased and donā€™t regret it, but I really think you guys should get better at reading the room when it comes to new expansion box features.

Yea, I understand.

One thing that rubbed the wrong way is the focus on what seems to be the Affliction portion of the spec. I donā€™t see much of ā€œhellā€ in there either.

I was thinking about an effect, similar to Hellfire spell warlocks had. Basically, during Malevolence, enemies afflicted by Wither would also get ā€œHellfireā€, which turns them into living torches that radiate fire damage around them (Wither host takes most of the damage, and minor damage to nearby targets). This aoe damage could come from the acute mechanic and B. Souls. Anyone being hit by the aoe portion, gets more stacks of B. Soul, meaning that if enemies are clumped up, the effect will pile up and trigger as much as possible.

Itā€™d be attached to the cd, but I think itā€™s something to feel more hellish.

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Pack Leader (For Beastmaster) has a few issues.
Covering Fire vs. Scatter Prey is not a choice. Extending duration on pet AoE (for only 1 second per Kill Command) vs. increasing damage on the AoE button that triggers it. One is going to do more damage.
The reset cooldown part on Frenzied Tear (Kill command) and Furious Assault (barbed shot) seem to have a lot of duplication with existing talents in the beastmaster tree. I know in the past weā€™ve had a teir sets that have had that sort of overlap. And Cobra Shot already reduces Kill Command cooldown.
Iā€™m just thinking that our rotation is going to end up being just barbed shots and Kill commands with enough Multishots to maintain cleave.
I like the utility talents and the option to boost range (though i suspect that more for survival players) though the fact that you disengage further than the range bonus might limit the use case.
Cull the Herd - I like that something is in here for Kill Shot, otherwise it would get crowded out by all the boosts happening for Kill Command/ barbed shot.
I guess the tree is boosting what Iā€™m already doing as a BM hunger, but in general, it seems like quite a few talents are duplicating existing talents already in the tree instead of doing something interesting. Iā€™m assuming the fantasy for this tree is suppose to be Rexxar but as a player, but am not sure what much supposed to offering other than a pure numbers boost - not to say that a numbers boost is bad, but there just sems to be a lot of duplicating effort with existing talents.

Pack Leader looking scuffed for Survival.

Shado-Pan being a tree (Even more) stuff thatā€™s going to demand a weakaura.

Hoping Sentinel is looking better.

Maintaining Freedom to Choose???
Btw why do you enforce Vengeful & Felblade to DH? Many DH dont use them.
Donā€™t enforce for ā€˜Freedom to chooseā€™.

Justice for Anā€™she!

In other notes. The DK trees looking good

To be honest, for warrior especially it just seemed like they tried so hard to NOT do Blademaster that ā€¦ it left Slayer especially feeling lifeless. I know Blizzard doesnā€™t think that Stealth fits the Warrior Toolkit, but there are ways to get the flavor without giving us Stealth. For example:

  • Lightning Rush (Passive) Charge rushes the target faster than the eye can see, rendering the Blademaster invisible and untargetable for Chargeā€™s duration. Charging breaks roots and snares and grants the warrior immunity to roots and snares during the charge and for 4 seconds after it ends.
  • After Image (Replaces Avatar) Quickly darts around the battlefield, removing all roots and snares and creating after images that mirror the Blademasterā€™s attacks for 60 seconds. This activates effects that trigger when you activate Avatar, lasting 20 seconds.

Really not that hard tbh, and fits the class kit fine. I think people have wanted a warrior that seems more like a Blademaster for a while, and honestly more racial themes that arenā€™t elves would be nice.

From reading the 2 frost dk ones, looks like itā€™s going to be a binary choice between if you play breath or oblit. This is due solely to A Feast of Souls and Mawsworn Menace. I know Iā€™m probably in the minority here but Iā€™d much rather play Deathbringer rather than Rider, but Iā€™m a breath player so, that wont be an option at all which is disappointing. Those 2 resource gen points are far too strong for breath to ignore and Deathbringer doesnā€™t have anything along those lines. That would also force us into Frostwyrmā€™s Fury, which, honestly, not a fun button imo, but also not in a great place to take it given the state of the current tree. Weā€™ll also have to take Absolute Zero for the CDR even if we have to hold it for every breath for the resource gen itā€™s going to provide.

This is all provided there are no changes to how breath works or current resource gen talents/abilities but does feel like itā€™s a negative thing to already be previewing when there is a call to fix breath from being infinite, but still needing to reward good game play.

Then again, what do I know, Iā€™m wanting 2h breath to be viable since the only reason we have dw was to give someone the ability to roll on dps str 1h weps in wrath since fury got TG at that time and wouldnā€™t really roll on them.

Interesting. Is Druid of the Claw for tanking or DPS or both?

Rider of the apocalypse. Donā€™t know how good of a talent it will be, but it sounds cool, Iā€™ll give you that :crazy_face:

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ā€œThe Fifth Horsemanā€ would be a much better name that ā€œRider of the Apocalypse.ā€ It tells you everything you need to know, and kind brings back that Legion flavor from the storyline.

Instead of Fatebound Rogue, how about Pirate Lord Rogue.

Hero Talent Tree - Outlaw and Assassination Rogue specs

First skill: Outlaw - Passive: Off hand weapon is a Pistol
Assassination - Pistol Shot

Last Skill: Man The Cannons - AOE cannon bombardment that does splash damage and applies a damage over time debuff.

Thank goodness they didnt give beast masters more buttons to push.

I like my chill rotation.