Yuh and from my PoV the Worgen “Curse” isn’t a bad thing as long as it can be controlled via medication or magical ritual which guess what it can be. Like lets be real if their was any actual risk of Genn losing control and going completely feral you know that bad thing that gave it the title of curse rather then blessing he wouldn’t be allowed in the same room as the Prince of Stormwind let alone a city as populated as Stormwind.
Here’s the actual Wiki https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monarchy
Also said Wiki states this “The succession of monarchs has mostly been hereditary, often building dynastic periods. However, elective and self-proclaimed monarchies have also often occurred throughout history. Aristocrats, though not inherent to monarchies, often serve as the pool of persons from which the monarch is chosen, and to fill the constituting institutions (e.g. diet and court), giving many monarchies oligarchic elements.”
Although literally every Monarchy in WoW has hereditary succession throughout real life history that form of succession has not been the case 100% of the time.
That’s not a wiki, and how monarchies actually work are different depending on the country IE faction. Quite a few (Especially for the about time period WoW portrays if you want to compare it to IRL by calling things a monarchy despite there being no such use of it in game) wouldn’t allow Tess to be the heir.
The same thing happened with Jaina and no one had a problem with it.
Y’all are just mad they turned a King into a Queen, and you aren’t really hiding it well. Considering Tyrande also passed her “throne” to Shandris this patch and no one cares about that, even though THAT came out of left field, whereas the Tess buildup over 13 years has been coming.
From my understanding the Majority are Worgen either feral or “balanced” enough so that it has become apart of Gilnean culture.
I did it was awful and should of never made it to live like whilst every other Heritage quest is about pride in what you are Worgen heritage is how you’re a monster who should have no positive feelings or thoughts about what you have become.
Is also not a Worgen which was well necessary for the plot of Silverpine with Sylvanas threatening to raise her as Forsaken if Darius did not surrender.
Yeah that’s definitely the case for the majority it seems with the minority being people still mad about the Worgen Heritage and Tess not being a Worgen such as myself. Kinda curious how many of these people making these misogynistic threads are also making or complaining in all the “not enough Men and Masculinity in Dragonflight” threads.
Worgen and Gilnean aren’t synonymous though. You’re right, but that still doesn’t mean that the Worgen population within Gilneas is still the minority.
Fair enough.
Sure, but Lorna is Darius’ daughter who has a pact with the “feral” Bloodfang Worgen who are now technically part of the Alliance.
The thinking is that she understands the Worgen and can empathize with them. If Tess were to have issues connecting with that half of her people, she has advisors that can help keep her on track.
I’m sure he’ll give an abdication speech followed by a coronation for Tess. It won’t be in-game - which sucks - but that’s usually what happens in the real world.
Then Tess will have to get married and produce an heir to secure the succession. Maybe she’ll marry Anduin and their kid will inherit both kingdoms. Maybe the future King/Queen of Stormwind and Gilneas will rule both kingdoms in a personal union since I don’t see either kingdoms agreeing to a full union.