That’s it? Just like that? A few short quest to take back the city after a couple dozen in game years and he hands it away? huh?
I mean, to his daughter? Are you unclear on how monarchies work?
He’s had a long run too, bro is old AND he’s human so limited lifespan. He prob doesn’t have many years left, deff not enough time to reform an entire Kingdom.
Plus this is a perfect learning opportunity to guide his daughter on how to lead before he passes away.
Genn has made a lot (emphasis on a lot) of mistakes as a leader, which double as learning experiences, so he has a lot of wisdom to pass on.
I’m not against him passing on leadership but 100% the questline should have been waaaay longer.
There’s no player power locked behind doing the campaign, so should have just went full send without the worry of people complaining that they are “forced to participate for progression.”
I think he does, but he refers to the anticlimatic nature of it. No ceremony, nothing much else than “here take this”. I guess its up to the style, but still.
I mean, the night elves did the same exact thing. Seems to be a starting trend for the alliance.
Just be thankful most of your leaders get to retire lol.
Yup to someone who isn’t even a Worgen
Times are changing and he felt that Tess would be able to lead better then him. But let’s say Genn did keep the crown. What difference would it be between him and Tess when it came to ruling.
Both care for their people and want to rebuild. And despite accepting Forsaken aid, there’s probably an uneasy truce with their Forsaken neighbors that they’ll try to keep up to not, heaven forbid, start another faction war.
Yeah, I thought this was really strange and pretty unclear. Is Tess the new ruler or was Genn saying that the kingdom is hers, figuratively?
If Blizzard are putting Tess in charge, I understand they’re doing it because of Girl Boss holywood logic, but really she’s a better leader than Genn and she complains far, far less. So… I’m ok with this.
Apparently he’s 77 years old, and in dog years that’s like 400 years old.
Yeah, I agree here, it was just terrible in general. I don’t mind him stepping down but Tess begs someone else to solve her problems and suddenly she’s fit to be leader… why aren’t we the leader if that’s the case?
Well Genn is a Worgen and Tess is not.
I don’t mind whatever Blizzard wants to do, but I don’t like the argument that Genn is old. He is a fictional character, and the supposed lifespan of worgens is upward of 130 years. Fictional characters are limited only by the vision of the writer.
Irrelevant. They’re both Gilnean.
Ok. I’ll give you that. One would be barking orders and the other doesn’t need to go to the vet for deworming.
Genn is like 70 to 80 years old. Let the man retire from his soul-crushing government job, man.
People forget that being king isn’t just fun and games. It’s heavy politics. Gotta mess with taxes and stuff.
Now Genn is free to occupy his time with the much easier job of “Occasional Werewolf” lol
The whole set up, questline, way it was executed was total crap. I feel like it was handed off to some intern to finish on Friday before quitting time for the weekend.
Ok let’s make a Darkspear Troll Emperor of Zandalar and the Zandalari trolls cause you know he’s a troll sure there will be no issue with that.
The player race is WORGEN not GILNEAN and the city of Gilneas is associated with the player race option of lemme see checks notes oh yup WORGEN not Human or Gilnean the racial leader of the Worgen player race should be a Worgen which Tess is not she is a Human. Tbh Tess should be a Worgen like the whole heritage quest seems to ignore the whole Worgen starting scenario and how important Genn being a Worgen himself was to Crowley and all the Worgen that followed him with this RP.
Lorna Crowley yells: Father!
Lord Darius Crowley yells: Lorna!
Lord Godfrey says: Crowley! You and your elven allies are hereby ordered to serve along the king’s army. Cursed or not, you are still bound by Gilnean law!
Lord Darius Crowley yells: Does this toad speak for you, Genn? Do you come to our dwelling as a friend? Or do you come as a tyrant?
To everyone’s surprise and Lord Godfrey’s horror, King Genn Greymane transforms into a Worgen.
King Genn Greymane says: No, old friend. I come to you as an equal.
Lord Godfrey yells: Impossible!
Lord Darius Crowley says: Aye, Genn. It is not law that binds us. It is something far stronger. My men are ready to give their lives under your command.
King Genn Greymane says: It is decided, then. We will unite all Gilneans and drive the Forsaken from our lands.
Maybe you missed it, but Vol’jin is about to become the main god of the Zandalari.
God outranks emperor lol
This is one of those topics where people will get their feathers all ruffled and outta whack.
“Player race” is irrelevant. Worgen are Gilnean. And the curse isn’t hereditary so the human population of Gilneas will only grow while the Worgen population can only shrink. Insisting that every Gilnean leader be a Worgen is incredibly shortsighted and not sustainable.
All Trolls worship the Loa and correction former main god that would now be Bwonsamdi the Loa of sick burns.
Maybe Genn was disappointed with the questline and heritage armor. He just rage quit and handed over leadership to Tess.