Genn just hands away the kingdom?

boy that’s a lot of words to say you don’t like or respect women


Ah. So…you’re convinced then, that your viewpoint represents…

Heh. Yeah, we’re done.


No, it doesn’t represents everyone’s. But guess what this thread is about? Maybe you shouldn’t have come into the thread trying to shout others down for having a differing opinion and being rude at them.

Yeah, all the insight of a spud opining on the world above.
Seek aid from Kul Tiras, a formerly Gilnean land? Nah.
How about the Night Elves? Would be nice to see them in force. But nah.
The Dwarves of Ironforge? They’re right there across the way, and the Gnomes come part and parcel. But no.
The Humans of Stormwind? Draenei? Void Elves? Nope.
Let’s bring the fiends that enslaved Gilneas’ people, razed its countryside, facilitated the death of her brother, and covered the city in poison. And let’s do it because they have expertise in fighting the Scarlet Crusade, which amounts to, “Hey, their leader is in the cathedral.”

And the way she plays the wounded party in that scene, how little affected she seems at being handed the reins, almost makes it seem like she brought them in particular just to have a dig at her father. She didn’t even forward him details of her plan as far as I’m aware, just sprang it on him the moment he made landfall in Gilneas.

And never mind Mia’s reaction. My disgust is immeasurable.

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Oh, sure…the number of opportunities the writers and developers missed in this scenario are huge. That said…given the direction they took it? I think Tess did well. At least, as well as Blizzard allowed.

This right here is the real issue, honestly.
And I’m afraid it’s terminal.


I really don’t think it’s offensive to have Genn Greymane step down as racial leader, and they’re presumably looking to finally move the Worgen and Gilneas story forward.

Genn Greymane is also currently tied to Anduin’s character development, so realistically there might not be much time left for Genn. They pretty much wrapped up Genn Greymane’s story with the reclamation of Gilneas.

Naturally there should be major Worgen characters that represent the Worgen in the story narrative and in cinematics and stuff, though. I don’t think Tess is ever going to be a Worgen, so we should see more of characters like Lord Crowley and Celestine to make up for that.

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That seems like an easy problem to fix. One little ”uncured” running wild in the reclaimed city … one little scratch …

(Depends if the writers want to reinforce the worgen race or rebuild Gilneas as human kingdom once more with worgen as a rare relic of this passing era)

Yeah that didn’t make much sense to me either, idk…

The race is “Worgen” not “Gilnean.”

All-in-all, a bad quest line.

Here are the problems I noticed.

  1. The Scarlet Monastery. They have a ton of health for NPCs that only drop silk cloth!

  2. Tess is a weakling. She’s a terrible fighter with weak DPS. She is definitely not her father’s daughter.

  3. Tess is not a Worgen. The race is Worgen. Gilnean is not a race.

  4. The storyline was embarrassing.

a. Genn tells Tess that she’s the reason that Gilneas was special to him. I guess Mia and Liam are just garbage, huh?

b. Genn asks himself what would have happened if he hadn’t built the wall, as if he did a terrible thing. Uh, the Undead would have overrun Gilneas had Genn not built that wall. The wall was kind of necessary.

c. Genn has no reason to abdicate. He hasn’t done anything wrong. Building the wall was not a terrible sin. Without, the Undead would have taken over the city.

d. There is absolutely no reason for Horde players to want Gilneas returned to the Gilneans. It’s completely irrational. Maybe they want the Scarlet Crusade out of there, fair enough, but to give it back to the Gilneans??? More likely, they’d let the Undead take it over, or let it become a metropolitan Horde city.

  1. After Gilneas has been restored, it’s a pretty sparse looking city. Needs more NPCs in it. More vendors and stuff.

  2. I appreciate the inclusion of capturable battle pets, but can you give us something better than rats?

  3. Probably should have been a solo instance. Too many players just standing there for prolonged periods on top of the NPCs, making it hard to pick up and turn in quests. I kept wondering if they were doing this on purpose, just to be obnoxious and make it hard for other players.

  4. Genn chose to abdicate without even consulting Mia. I guess some women are rulers; others are just fluff and ornaments, huh?

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Can’t have men being in charge yo.

Dude takes back a trash pile of a city after years of neglect and immediately hands it off to his daughter to fix. Man, he really was a pathetic king.

Tess wanted to become a worgen to share the blight of her people but was denied by Genn.

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Not. Relevant. It’s the Kingdom of Gilneas that’s being passed to Tess, not The Kingdom of Worgen.

What made Genn a bad king?

Regardless, no ruler on Azeroth could be 1/10 as incompetent as Sylvanas.

Can you point at ‘Worgen’ on the map?

'Cause I can point at Gilneas.


Yes, rather like Queen Christina of Denmark recently ‘handed away’ her throne to her eldest son. And I think she was Queen for about 50 years.

No quest were involved, as far as I am aware.


listened to bad advisors mostly
he holds a good chunk of blame for the worgen curse in gilneas in the first place

sylv was a writing victim, i think genn was believably bad at his job. granted he was maybe a bit better later but before they rejoined the alliance it was mistake after mistake

I can point to California on a map, but Californian is not a race.