So it’s a Gilnean kingdom. And what kind of kingdom does Gilneas consider itself?
The story was fine. The execution was not. Partially because it was just “kill a few mobs, open a gate, kill a few mobs, blow up some useless walls, fight off one rando, YOU WIN!” but also because it was just all done at breakneck speed.
“I do, its ok”
“Alright I believe in you, lead the way”
“I love you so much here’s my kingdom as proof”
“Oh thank you daddy!”
Like really, I’m fine with Tess taking over, but it was done so quickly it almost felt disingenuous. Heck, it even felt kind of lile Genn realised he made his daughter feel ignored and forgotten, and that he was in the dog house (pun FULLY intended) and he gave her the kingdom out of guilt, like a dad trying to buy his daughters love.
Is Kul Tiran a race?
Or Draenei, for that matter. The race name is Eredar, Draenei are just a group of Eredar.
WoW has a funny relationship with the concept of “race”.
Sometimes it means species, sometimes it means country/tribe/subgroup, and sometimes it means “people affected by a certain condition, curse or blessing”.
That’s the most frustrating part; WoW loves to designate political choices/states of being as entirely separate races.
That is…the natural progression of a monarchy.
Monarchs aren’t generally supposed to cling to the title until they die unless they’re narcissists. Stepping back in your golden years to act as an advisor for your heir until they get their footing seems a very wise thing to do for the longevity of your kingdom.
Genn was old and understandably not well suited for a future where gilneans and the forsaken were going to be friendly neighbors. May as well pass the crown to his heir who’s more open minded for the times.
Quest did need to be longer though. Blizzard is really rushing through wrapping up plot points they should have been developing for years.
I’m betting Vol’jin’s return is gonna be like 'i’m back now and the world doesn’t need me so i’m gonna go watch from the mountains"
Checked back in this thread and had a good chuckle at how accurate this is.
When people whinge about something not being realistic in WoW, I point out that half the time I’m talking to a giant talking animal, multiple alien species, on a planet that was stabbed by a giant demonic space god.
And yet, that’s exactly what most of them do.
Christ will you just let this dumper fire thread die
Disingenuous. Every city in Norrath is divided by race, and you know it.
Ogrimmar is orcs, Stormwind is humans, Gnomeregan was gnomes, but are now living in Ironforge with the dwarfs, etc.
You’re fully capable of blocking this thread. Do so.
Wrong game.
Does anyone genuinely believe this is a positive thing?
Iono. If people like the thought that their old leaders are still alive then I guess they think that’s positive?
Maybe he just wants to retire and play WoW all day
You say that, however…
… this constitutes a terrible story.
Being fine with or finding the end result of a story acceptable doesn’t mean it’s good. The quality of it is measured by the sum of its parts more than it is by any singular outcome I think.
The quest legit feels like a formality rather than an epic conclusion.
Tying up loose ends just to tie them up rather than putting any meaningful passion behind it. Totally corporate pandering.
A better thing would have been seeign Tess rally her people to fight to reclaim Gilneas and actually seeing her care and then Genn sees this in her and the send off would be fitting.
Not a “Hey daughter, love you, here’s the keys to the kingdom. k bye.”
Fun biology fact, babies never come into contact with their mother’s blood in utero. Oxygen and nutrients are exchanged via the placenta, but the blood is separate. So even though the worgen curse is passed through blood (as Darius demonstrated by passing a bowl of his blood around the humans on Fenris Isle), it wouldn’t’ be passed from mother to baby that way.
Let me restate my point:
The story was fine. The execution was not. …because it was just all done at breakneck speed.
The overall story is fine, but it’s so incredibly rushed that it feels terrible. If the questline was, well, significantly longer, and care was placed into Genn’s mistrust of the Horde vs his trust of his daughter, and his retirement, then it would have felt much better.
It’s one of the many problems with Blizzard in the last decade or two. They can write a good story, they don’t always but they certainly can, but they can’t tell a good story. Delivery is very important and they very often fumbke that delivery hard
Queen of Denmark quite recently just handed the reins to her son.
Which has led to the weird situation of an Aussie queen.
Delivery and execution is part of a story, though, so it failing there effectively constitutes it failing as a story. Unless you’re saying the idea of the story – of Genn passing rule of Gilneas on to Tess – is fine, in which case yes, it is, but that’s different from saying the story itself or overall story is fine.
I definitely think it’s not fine.