Genn Greymane is an Aggressor

also a leader can pull their forces from the high kings command if he or she doesn’t like what the high king is doing

That said, he was commanding 7th Legion Marines on a Stormwind airship under a human naval commander. At the very least, while I don’t see his actions as treasonous, they are a betrayal of the personal trust put into him by Anduin in assigning him those troops and mission.

technically he did follow orders, anduin just made the orders to vague. “dont engage the horde unless deemed necessary” what is considered necessary. that leaves to much room for interpretation.


Considering he made his mind up beforehand, I don’t much care about the technicalities. He broke the spirit of the command and seems to acknowledge that.

  1. Anduin is the King of Stormwind, not Gilneas. 2. Sylvanas started this war when she started stockpiling WMD’s, slaughtered a whole bunch of innocent Forsaken, and laid waste to the Night Elves’ homeland. 3. Genn only went after Sylvanas. He respects most of the Horde but he specifically hates Sylvanas, which was reasonable even before BfA.
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Anduin is High King of the Alliance and King of Stormwind. If Genn doesn’t have to listen to the High King then the title is worthless. Genn and Rogers both disobeyed Anduin and specifically went to Stormheim to kill Sylvanas. As for why they weren’t punished, you’d have to ask blizz.

The worth of the title is coordinating military forces. Genn, being a sovereign and leader of a (at least nominal) nation doesn’t make that worthless. It merely makes it less ideal for military purposes than absolute authority.

At the very least, he was using Stormwind resources when flying into Stormheim.

Should be Sylvanas is an Aggressor. Thanks.

I can tell you exactly why they weren’t punished:

  1. At the time, the Alliance still thought the Horde had left them to die on the Broken Shore. They didn’t know that the whole attack on the Shore had been based on false intel provided fake Shaw.

  2. The zones scaling was a later decision, there’s actually a chronological order to them. In Azsuna, intel was gathered that Sylvanas was up to something, as opposed to helping fight the Legion. Given the prior perceived betrayal, at the time, there was no reason to believe it wasn’t something sinister.

  3. It turned out later that she was in fact about to enslave the queen of the valkyr, thus alienating an ally against the Legion as a whole. In stopping her, it was arguable that Genn in fact bolstered the forces of Azeroth.

  4. As stated before, the Alliance is just that, an Alliance, and each nation has nearly equal heft. There are still plenty of Gilneans around, we have no indication otherwise. Anduin can punish Rogers, possibly, but Genn is much looser in terms of the actual authority. For all intents and purposes the High King title might just make him a figurehead, with equal power to the others.

  5. The orders were vague, almost deliberately so. They were said to only engage if they thought Sylvanas was up to something… which she was.

All that combined, it makes punishing Genn for the act fairly self-defeating, as they had no idea as to where things stood with the Horde beyond the debacle at the Broken Shore, Sylvanas was actually up to something and said actions thwarted it, and in the end both sides knew that the aggression’s source was due to machinations of the Legion.


-skims through thread-

Well this thread went off the rails for awhile there…

There’s a reason I prefer to limit myself to one or two clarifications when it comes to internet arguments. Once I feel I have sufficiently explained my stance and my reaction to the other person’s stance, there’s nothing to be gained by continuing on and getting the last word isn’t worth my time.

Anyways, I do get the sense from Genn Greymane that if there’s anyone on the Alliance that’s going to get themselves killed by being too aggressive, it’s going to be him.

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A slave already mind you to Odyn who was by no means a pleasant or a good ally, considering that he was willing to give the aegis to Legion flunkies if we failed to beat them. His ‘might = right’ mentality would have made him see past the whole Eyir thing

So you are telling me one king, with barely any forces left, takes control of a Stormwind fleet and uses it against the wishes of the actual king these forces belong to is not betrayal of some kind?

Wrong, the orders were not to engage unless absolutely necessary, and Genn had made up his mind to attack from the get-go, it was never stated what Sylvanas was planning in Stormheim exactly, Genn just painted the picture he wanted to see and went with it.

Why would Anduin punish a guy who just stopped someone who obviously wants to wipe out hope and humanity from gaining that exact kind of power to do so?

Oh yay more alliance fan boys screaming gen had every right to attack. Nevermind the fact that we were in the middle of the single greatest threat ever. Honestly just admit gen messed up

Or It’s not as black and white when you actually analyze the situation and not just listen to fake news every day.

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As with most things in game unless the horde does it, then we are evil

What do you want Alliance players to say in this thread exactly?

How about admit that Genn is the Aggressor, that Genn is at fault that this war started. Sylvanas would have looked for more excuses to start this war, but the argument of Genn is the reason why she could convince Saurfang, if she could not convince him, she would not have started this war. It is that simple. Had Genn not proven Sylvanas wrong that Anduin has no control over the Alliance, then this war would not have started.

Genn is an aggressor, but not really the only one in this. You’re barking up the wrong tree here, lad.

Although really, I can’t imagine the untold amounts of innocent children that would die if Sylvanas had that massive army of val’kyr that Genn stopped her from getting compared to the amount that died from the simple arcane fire and shaman magic she commanded to level Teldrassil.

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Mainly I want the innocent victim act to stop the horde didn’t wake up one day and say hey let’s purge the alliance from existence. Both sides have done some messed up things and the arguement that “but you started it” really doesn’t apply at this point both factions have saved the world countless times so an act of aggression from either side is not really justifiable, both sides still exist thanks to each other not in spite of