That you THINK you have a lot of motes, and it FEELS like you have a lot of motes, but all you actually have is pocket change that can’t buy anything… that’s indicative of the problem.
That’s fair. I still don’t think it’s that bad (the drop rate) it just seems like one of the many things to complain about. By all means, don’t let me stop you!
Maybe. I mean, if you say so. I’m not saying you’re wrong. But to me this is not the worst grind, and I think having a grind ahead of a mount that you are guaranteed to get is not the worst thing. The alternative would have been low-ish drop rates on rare spawns.
Complaining for your opinion. There’s a difference.
I, for one, don’t want thousands upon thousands of motes cluttering up my bags. Because I’m not obsessively farming these things. And for me, the droprate lines up with how often I obtain the rest of the mats and schematics to make something. That’s my opinion.
If they made them tradeable on the AH, then people could do as they like and earn as they like or sell as they like. But they didn’t. Yet. Perhaps advocate for that?
My esteemed colleague is right: the answer is gnomes.
Lots and lots and lots of gnomes. And only the original flavor gnomes, not those semi-mechanical abominations.
It is also important to make your gnome sacrifices under the proper moon while reciting the prescribed chants and mantras, to properly and most effectively appease the RNG gods and beseech them for their favor and blessing.
It’s your choice: farm the motes directly or farm the gnomes for sacrifice.
Blizzard calls this “player agency” by offering us this sort of “meaningful choice.”
I dunno it took me like an hour to run around and grab all the recipes once flying was up.
I do think the mote droprate should be a lil higher, or at least one dropped off every mob, sometimes im killing packs of 10-20 mobs and get like 2 drop, its a bit annoying. Quickest way to grind them is join the hyperspawn skinning groups.
Something to use flux on tho would be great, like maybe a box with 100 motes for 1000 flux.
Even though this sounds low, it’s not in practicality when the vast majority of them drop from common mobs. They drop naturally while simply playing the zone in most cases, not unlike run of the mill greens with similar drop rates. I think I have almost every material set aside on a bank alt right now for whenever it comes time for me to actual do the crafting portion.
You can get all the schematics in LFR. And the material that Lihuvim drops can also be obtained from the Olea cache with the same odds and those are actually farmable. So the worst possible aspect of this is the pet schematic that Lihuvim drops, but that’s a 15% chance, so that’s hardly going to be a sticking point.
There’s actually three. Did you even bother reading my post? I already mentioned them.
If you can’t even bothered with story mode, then there’s no arguing with you. Two schematics are guaranteed, and one is slightly uncommon. If you’re that hard set on never ever setting foot into a raid, then I imagine you’ll just have to survive only being able to make the other 22 mounts, and 13 pets. The horror, I know.